have you guys updated to the new market yet?
A few days ago:
Very smooth.
have you guys updated to the new market yet?
at the end of the day we need this 403 /404 update to see where we stand inregards to stutter and smoothness.
Spell checking as in when writing stuff on forums etc?
I find no problems with spell checking if that is what you mean, autocorrect works fine as does red underlines for words not in the dictionary.
That is irrelevant because I'm using ICS with the ICS keyboard in the ICS browser, just like you. So unless ICS on the Nexus is different or bugged then I can't see how it differs in this regard.
If you're on 4.0.2 then maybe that's where the problem is?
It is fixed in 4.0.3 as far as I know, but only the USA have got that so far.
im going to, the first one @ $35, fairly pricey but then i presume they are official back covers, postage $5 seems very reasonable. There is no difference in size from the Verizon version is there
Those back covers look....aftermarket in a bad way!
Oh they exist for the S2 as well, and in more colours and materials!
Anyone recommend where to get decent, ideally OEM batteries?
got the phone.
they said they have found the issue and updated the software...
Now Im running on
kernel 3.0.1-ge24633f2 android-build@apa28#1
android version 4.0.1
as I dont remember what I had earlier, can someone check ?
Anybody had problems with the headphones jack? Do I send the phone back to O2 or Samsung? Will the give me a phone first?
4.0.4 is rolling out to all the GSM versions of the Nexus now