I’m just getting back into guitar. Starting from scratch as it’s been so long, and I want to form new good habits.
also have been wanting to build a PC for ages and ages but the chip/gpu supply probs have put paid to that for about a year now if not more.
anyway, is it possible to use a PC as an amp/amp modeller? Using headphones. Currently using an old pod v2.0 but would be nice to use something where I can play along to stuff. To be able to listen to the YouTube lesson at the same time as hearing my own playing etc.
i don’t currently have a PC, so if I were to build one with one of its purposes being “silent” guitar practice what would I need to consider hardware and software wise?
I read somewhere that lag kills the idea, but just reading a couple of pages of the this thread suggests otherwise.
what I want is to be able to play guitar, hear it in my headphones but also to be able to hear a backing track or YouTube vid at the same time. If the guitar goes into the pc I need some sort of amp modelling software. Or if the guitar doesn’t go into the pc I need some sort of mixer box that takes the pc audio and pod/amp audio into my headphones.
i know this problem is solved, I just don’t know the terms to Google!