***The Official Guitar Thread***

I have nothing, I have seen some cheap USB style interfaces for around £100 Focusrite Scarlett Solo.... would that do what I am looking for? Or do I need to go through an amp first?

Yep the Focusrite Scarlett type of thing is exactly what you're looking for - will get the guitar signal into the PC in very good quality (compared to say plugging into the line-in, which is awful unless you have a really high end sound card or something, and even then...)

I have the Scarlett 6i6 which is the same company but a higher up model with more inputs (overkill unless you need it - I use it for my mic for gaming and have both guitar + bass going through it etc). Once you have that Reaper is well worth a try as I say it's totally free for a certain amount of time and then still remains free but you have to wait ~30 seconds when you boot it up (to encourage you to actually purchase it - I think a lifetime license is still only about £50)
Been trying to learn G.O.A.T by Polyphia the last few days - somehow a band that had completely passed me by but happened to hear the song the other day and although initially I couldn't decide if I even really liked it (still not sure!) it's certainly a really interesting song to try and learn - almost feels like playing some kind of warmup exercise at times. Anybody else given this one a go?

We may be moving house which is going to give me a bit more practice space. I’m tempted to build a practice booth or convert a room with soundproofing and good acoustics. Has anyone ever seen a build or project log to give me some ideas?

What instruments?

What acoustics do you want? Hendrix and McCartney both used to play in the small toilet room in their houses because it gave really good acoustic reverb and volume - almost like an instant monitoring system. Not ideal for recording, but echoey rooms do sound great to practice in.

For recording ideally you want to minimise any reflections - so mic shields and foam surrounds behind the mic, lots of acoustic triangular foam behind and to the sides. You can then add reverb to suit in the editing process. Curtain drapes can also be useful as you can adjust these on the fly to different positions and extents to tune things a bit.

If you're trying to record any percussion you will ideally want to try and have a floating floor on resilient mounts and damping foam/rubber tuned to the relevant frequencies. This is usually beyond DIY level as there is a bit of work involved in achieving that and I don't fully understand the process myself. Accepting some noise transfer in and out is a better idea - though that may or may not be acceptable depending on where you live and who you share it with.

In making your booth remember a closed box can get stuffy and hot very quickly so think about ventilation and how that can be achieved - damped baffles, silent fans outside the box pushing air through it, without any motors inside the booth etc

I imagine the cheapest way is to look for perspex and acoustic quilt drum enclosures and start from there. Acoustic foam is relatively cheap, and you can get resilient rubber matting for not too much either to go under the floor. It won't be perfect but will cut down some transfer. Try also putting amps on stands and play around with how to isolate the feet to see what cuts out the bass transfer best. If you do long stints in it and it gets uncomfortable then a bit like PC towers rig up a box at low level (outside the enclosure) to push air in, and a box on an opposite side at high level to pull air out - low speed and slow, you don't need masses of air flow, but it will help stop you cooking. And you can obviously crank things up/ open the door when not recording. Do not attach the fans to the perspex, you don't want the vibrations exciting the panels!

Similar applies if you're doing a whole room. Best wait until you're in and play with the room. Rig up some plyboard with foam panels stuck to them and play around with throws/curtains to see which areas of the room need permanent damping, and which might need occasional damping. Then work out a permanent solution to suit. Every room is different, but generally try and keep mic positions free from reflected sound - particuarly from behind the performer, otherwise you get a quasi echo effect where the reflected sound arounds at the mic after the original projected sound. Same with sound going past the mic and bouncing back to it from behind. It can be a git to mix if it's not welcome.

You may want to consider doing something with the floor - eg acoustic quilt insulation between joists, adding dense acoustic board, resilient mounts and damping layers between joists and floorboards and between floorboards and carpet/laminate. Personally I'd always go for carpet in a recording room, but it's not essential. It just offers a bit more natural damping. I've been in studios with laminate floors that work fine. They also make cleaning easier when someone inevitably ignores the sign about "no drinks" and spills one.
For interfaces I have seen the old Akai EIE pro (the silver/white front NOT the red front) going cheap 2nd hand in guitar stores and on ebay recently. For 4 proper inputs it's not a bad deal, particularly for windows users where the drivers behave better than macs (where modern versions of the mac OS can struggle). win7/8/10 all fine. I haven't got a mac so haven't been able to test it out on those myself.
For a DAW Reaper is free for 30 days and even then you can still use it.

It's well worth the £60 odd quid though and miles better than Ableton Lite etc.
I dabbled with audacity, realised its limitations vs what I wanted and then tried cubase which i had a trial for. Liked it, stuck with it and got the elements version, then eventually a pro version when they were 50% off last summer. The cheapo trial/ lite version is only simultaneous 8 tracks, then there is a version with 16 and then the best basic licence is elements which lets you have 24 tracks and unlocks a few more features which is more like it while still being affordable and without needing a usb dongle. They have sales every now and then where you can get it for £40-60.
Reaper is good but I also believe there is a Cakewalk DAW that is now free, I've used Cakewalk (Sonar) products since the early 90s and they have earned me a lot of money.
Been trying to learn G.O.A.T by Polyphia the last few days - somehow a band that had completely passed me by but happened to hear the song the other day and although initially I couldn't decide if I even really liked it (still not sure!) it's certainly a really interesting song to try and learn - almost feels like playing some kind of warmup exercise at times. Anybody else given this one a go?

I thought it's an interesting track. I like it. Not I couldn't warm to the other stuff they play. But its think superb musicianship.
I have She's Leaving Home by The Beatles and Blackberry Way by The Move (both classical arrangements) nailed, so am now trying Aguado's Rondo Op 2 no3. The opening section isn't too tricky, but i am expecting much pain later on. TOP CHOON!

Julian Bream's version is superb, why not aim for the stars, eh?

Alirio Diaz is worth a look and so is his teacher Andres:

Also one of my favourite pieces, I was learning this when I switched to drums due to some of the time signatures in the pieces he was playing..

However I prefer Andres' less clinical organic approach:
Alirio Diaz is worth a look and so is his teacher Andres:

Also one of my favourite pieces, I was learning this when I switched to drums due to some of the time signatures in the pieces he was playing..

However I prefer Andres' less clinical organic approach:

I've tried playing Asturias in the past, and don't have the patience to learn the tremolo picking thing. I should make the effort, really- it's standard repertoire.

The Rondo is coming on, the first few sections are fairly straightforward. Looks like it gets tricky later on...
Been trying to learn G.O.A.T by Polyphia the last few days - somehow a band that had completely passed me by but happened to hear the song the other day and although initially I couldn't decide if I even really liked it (still not sure!) it's certainly a really interesting song to try and learn - almost feels like playing some kind of warmup exercise at times. Anybody else given this one a go?

Tim writes stuff on the computer then figures out how to play it on guitar, which is why it’s ‘different’ and super awkward to play. It takes me back to the guitar gods of yore in that I could watch most of them play all day but only a few wrote songs I’d want to just listen to without the visuals to go along with it. I’m sort of the same with Charles of Berried Alive fame - he is doing mental, crazy things using modern software patches and his incredible technique, but most of his output is more watchable than listenable.

Tim writes stuff on the computer then figures out how to play it on guitar, which is why it’s ‘different’ and super awkward to play. It takes me back to the guitar gods of yore in that I could watch most of them play all day but only a few wrote songs I’d want to just listen to without the visuals to go along with it. I’m sort of the same with Charles of Berried Alive fame - he is doing mental, crazy things using modern software patches and his incredible technique, but most of his output is more watchable than listenable.

Explains a lot, and yeah I kind of agree

Have taken the decision that I'm going to sell my precious amp to downsize it as I realised the other day I haven't played through it in a year :D (also my daughter was born about a year ago, which must be a coincidence!) It's an amazing amp but just overkill for the stage in life I am at, I've been messing about with neural dsp plugins and think those will serve me just fine for the foreseeable

On the offchance that any of the big spenders in here are interested... it's a Laney Lionheart L20H w/ matching L212 cab and I'll throw in a Harely Benton power attenuator for free just in case you don't fancy shattering all the windows in your house, here's a pic:

.. okay so given nobody here is interested can I instead ask for anyone's advice on how best to sell it?

I have a listing for it up on Reverb already, guess I could put it on Gumtree and/or Ebay also. Have spoken to a couple of local guitar shops who said although they wouldn't buy it outright they could try to sell it for me on commission (but the rate of 24% I've had back from the first shop that responded is a little high)

Any thoughts on what price I should aim for?
.. okay so given nobody here is interested can I instead ask for anyone's advice on how best to sell it?

I have a listing for it up on Reverb already, guess I could put it on Gumtree and/or Ebay also. Have spoken to a couple of local guitar shops who said although they wouldn't buy it outright they could try to sell it for me on commission (but the rate of 24% I've had back from the first shop that responded is a little high)

Any thoughts on what price I should aim for?
Not very up to date on prices but can confirm 25 or 30% was commission rate for sale-or-return when I worked in a (well regarded) guitar shop 2013-16.

Reverb does seem to be the popular choice now. Facebook Marketplace might also work as it will find local buyers, saving shipping and risk of complaints.
.. okay so given nobody here is interested can I instead ask for anyone's advice on how best to sell it?

I have a listing for it up on Reverb already, guess I could put it on Gumtree and/or Ebay also. Have spoken to a couple of local guitar shops who said although they wouldn't buy it outright they could try to sell it for me on commission (but the rate of 24% I've had back from the first shop that responded is a little high)

Any thoughts on what price I should aim for?
You could also try the Classifieds Board on Fretboard.co.uk. Its a nice forum and a more discerning customer base. However you might get lucky on eBay and make more money. Reverb is ok but I find everything on there overpriced at the moment. You ad specifies £999 shipping which may be a deterrent!

A head went for c£240 last year https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/183751/
History https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/search?Search=Laney+Lionheart+L20H
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