You say all that except you don’t know that I don’t use any of that to practice.
I sit on my sofa with my telecaster unplugged to practice chords, changing between them, back and forth, for like an hour while watching something on TV but half a mind on if the note I am hitting sounds right. Then I move to another chord.
The pedalboard(s) or amp are not a part of the equation at all, can you imagine plugging into all that through a 20W amp at home? Lol. Yes I have all that gear, and I am the first person to admit I have all the gear and no idea. I think I have said myself that I am the poster boy for it. I am self aware. But come at me bro, I paid for it with money I earned. Or are you just jealous?
The points I am making are not really directed at you....You're just an example of it....Like I said in a previous post, you won't be the first or last person I encounter that likes the idea of playing the guitar....
Its your money that fine...Do what you want...But don't for one second think that that PRS will make you practice more....
It didn't and you haven't...
And as for Jealous? No Your Pedal board is Vulgar and not my cup of tea...I could replicate your board tomorrow and order all the bling you have an afford it tens over...But it just doesn't interest me...
When I was 15 My mates older brother had a friend 3 years older than me who could pick up any instrument and seem to play it...He was a brilliant guitar player, bass player and drummer....He was in a band and I was sometimes allowed to go and watch them rehearse. Anyway one day after school I went and watched them...I was sat on a chair tapping my thighs to the music...After the song finished he came over and asked me what I was doing...I said just watching...He said why are you not playing the drums? I said what? I'm not a drummer he said would you like to be? I said yeah why not....He said all you need is practice...I said I dont have a kit...He said yes you do....I looked at him and wondered what he was on about....He pulled up a chair and showed me exactly what he was playing just then on the kit on his legs...He used the floor as a bass drum, his thighs as the snare and toms...
He said Practice this...He showed me independence on the foot against the snare and said practice that until it comes naturally and you dont need to think about it..Then he left and finished the rehearsal.
I went home and practised on my thighs and foot this beat he had showed me...I couldn't do it.. my foot hit the floor when I hit the snare....Then about 2 months later I woke up and suddenly had limb independence!
I worked out rock beats, triplets, syncopation all on my thighs and floor....tapping along to records....did this for years...It just became a habit tbh....Anyway I was more interested in the guitar....I then turned 18 and my parents asked me what I would like for my Birthday...I said a drumkit....Me and my dad scoured the second hand market for one and sourced an 1972 Hayman Vibrosonic kit....I set it up and could play the drums after never having played a kit in my life....
I learnt to play the drums on my legs...
So the lesson I learnt is...You dont need the gear you need passion and the desire to learn....If spending thousands on pedals floats your boat thats fine...Me I'm more interested in learning something new on the guitar even when its not plugged in.