The Official Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft Thread

I went on an epic losing streak against huntards from 11-14. This took the cake though decided to switch decks from druid to rogue and I got paired up against zoo and got destroyed. Switched to a zoo deck got paired up against a rogue and got destroyed. Called it a day :D
I have spent about £80 got 4 legendaries, Hogger, Grommash, King Krush and Antonidas. Whats worse is i keep opening packs with in game gold now and i'm seeing very little new cards and maybe half the time i'm disenchanting all 5 cards i get as i have 2 of them already.

My cousin has got 10 legendaries from packs and put less money in than me, it's all about the luck of the draw. Trying to build a Miracle Rogue deck i need Leeroy Vancleef and Thalnos. If i disenchant most of the cards i dont use i will probably have enough dust but i have a fear of needing a lot of those cards in the future some time so i'm not sure to DE them.
Spent 0, have leeroy, Cairne, malygos, Van cleef, Antonidas (Can't bring myself to dust it), virtually all commons/rares/about half epics and 800 dust if I kill all my dupes. I play mostly arena, around 5 runs a week.
+1 for spent nothing over here... I've still got a way to go to get all the cards but legendaries I have Gruul, Ysera, Alexstrasa and 1800 dust at the moment trying to decide what to spend it on. Play mostly Arena but whenever I have more than the 250 gold I buy a pack

£80 is more than eye-watering, I like the game a lot but I couldn't bring myself to spend that kind of money!!!
F2P since beta here. Here's what you can expect from ~600 arena and ~1400 constructed wins. (average player at best :p)

All common cards (17 golden)
Nearly all rares (10 golden)
40 epics (3 golden)
12 Legendaries (1 golden)
Plus ~1800 dust, 1000 gold and a few packs ready for the expansion.

I only disenchanted one or two golden cards at the beginning, which I regret. (No Ragnaros, Cairne and Leeroy but they get a bit boring when you see them almost every game :D)
+1 for spent nothing over here... I've still got a way to go to get all the cards but legendaries I have Gruul, Ysera, Alexstrasa and 1800 dust at the moment trying to decide what to spend it on. Play mostly Arena but whenever I have more than the 250 gold I buy a pack

£80 is more than eye-watering, I like the game a lot but I couldn't bring myself to spend that kind of money!!!

How many £40 games have you bought? I bought ESO a few weeks ago, played for like 7 hours and not touched it since, happened for a bunch of games too. I'd rather spend it on this seeing as I must have hundreds of hours on it so far.
How many £40 games have you bought? I bought ESO a few weeks ago, played for like 7 hours and not touched it since, happened for a bunch of games too. I'd rather spend it on this seeing as I must have hundreds of hours on it so far.

£40... Probably the last game I paid that much for was Sonic 3 on the Megadrive (yes those old cartridges really were that much new!!)

I take your point and don't get me wrong - everyone has their own budget and can spend what they feel is worthwhile for them :) I'd probably spend it too if I had it
It's not been my day today heh. Played 4 more games of Miracle rogue and didn't draw gadgetzan a single game. Gve up and made a troll tempo deck and it worked quite well.

Turn 5: Equip assassins blade
6-7: Hit face
Turn 8:
Southsea Deckhand 2/1 (has charge whilst weapon equipped) + coldblood * 2 = 10/1 + Faceless & hit face for 20 :)
good call ty, just testing it out, 4 or 5 for 0 at the moment

Np, handlock is awesome.

just opened onyxia, deck suggestions pls

Token Druid deck with Imp Masters, Violet Teachers, POW's, Savage roar, etc in place of Cenarius. I wouldn't advise it in constructed (UTH) but can be fun in casual.
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£40... Probably the last game I paid that much for was Sonic 3 on the Megadrive (yes those old cartridges really were that much new!!)

I take your point and don't get me wrong - everyone has their own budget and can spend what they feel is worthwhile for them :) I'd probably spend it too if I had it

haha damn, fair enough. I just really enjoy opening packs too, its so satisfying when you get a legendary, until its tinkmaster or gruul anyway :P
Np, handlock is awesome.

Token Druid deck with Imp Masters, Violet Teachers, POW's, Savage roar, etc in place of Cenarius. I wouldn't advise it in constructed (UTH) but can be fun in casual.

This, but if you want a fun deck for casual or something, try onyxia with Soul of the forest. So damn nice when a mage flamestrikes and end up with a ton of 2/2's to deal with. But bit hard to use it, need to get lucky and have them all alive next turn or innervate ready.
Had a frustrating game this morning.

Turn 1. Opponent plays Northshire Cleric. I play one too.
Turn 2. Opponent plays Power World Shield on his and then uses Inner Fire. Kills mine.

Then the game just spirals out of control as he is healing this 5/5 monster every turn and I can only feed it creatures.
I recommend if you haven't seen them already take a look at Trump's F2P series on youtube... He's a great player from which you can learn a lot, and the F2P series is aimed at specifically using all free/cheap cards (i.e. the kind you would have if you didn't buy a lot of packs with money)

Personally I've not spent a penny and although the process of unlocking the cards is a little more gradual I feel like generally when I lose it's because of bad luck or poor decisions on my part (rather than my opponent having better cards)... Unlocking things gradually has it's benefits too - by being forced to think a little more creatively about putting your decks together you can sometimes end up with some interesting combinations/synergy (that you may miss if you just look up and pay for packs to build UberDeck #33 from one of the deck sites)

Totally agree with this I will not get my wallet out but with doing dailies and winning games (only need 30 wins to get a pack) you can easily get a lot of cards. You can dust quite a few card and get good dust for a med budget build quite quickly.

However some of it is luck not matter what cards you have if you have a bad draw there's nothing you can do. I've seen me wipe someone with them only taking 2 points from me and vice versa....
F2P since beta here. Here's what you can expect from ~600 arena and ~1400 constructed wins. (average player at best :p)

All common cards (17 golden)
Nearly all rares (10 golden)
40 epics (3 golden)
12 Legendaries (1 golden)
Plus ~1800 dust, 1000 gold and a few packs ready for the expansion.

I only disenchanted one or two golden cards at the beginning, which I regret. (No Ragnaros, Cairne and Leeroy but they get a bit boring when you see them almost every game :D)

That's pretty impressive for entirely F2P. Please tell me you have at least 1 golden hero from those 1400 wins? :eek: And what's been your best rank achieved?
That's pretty impressive for entirely F2P. Please tell me you have at least 1 golden hero from those 1400 wins? :eek: And what's been your best rank achieved?

I'd bet most of those 1400 are from before they introduced golden heroes, and since the wins werent restrospective, probably no golden heroes here.
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