So yeah, any advice on my selected equipment and on micing would be appreciated. Thanks.
@Lowe @BigDannyO @easyrider @SexyGreyFox
Very tight on time but to summarise;
Gear looks fine.
Position? Lift the lid to its highest setting. As a *STARTING* point put the mics XY with the centre line pointing toward the middle of the lid, about 50cm back from the piano. Adjust to suit - get the player to do a minute or so or recording in sound check and listen back.
Don't use any camcorder audio, it'll be horrid. Just use artificial reverb if required, will sound far better.
I did mix the sound with the ambient sound of the camcorder mic. I think it sounds pretty decent, here's my performance. Please don't be too harsh
I think it sounds high quality but at the same time you definitely can hear that it was played in a big roomy church.
Sounds good mate..what mics did you use again?
Waren Huart from produce like pro swears by one of hese for piano recording....
Thanks mag.
Interesting piece, 1, 2, 3... What are you using to make that? I like the strings.
Thanks mag.
Interesting piece, 1, 2, 3... What are you using to make that? I like the strings.
Thanks easyrider, used these Russian badboys
And the ambient sound was from my Sony FDR-AX55 camcorder.
It's those 2 mixed together.
The video I linked above which is me mic'ing my teachers piano has no ambient sound, it's purely the Oktava mics if you want to hear what they sound like isolated.
Right guys, this is my entry for the crappiest home studio of the year award. PC's a beast though. Keyboards a little bargain at £99 too. Came with a decent amount of software.
Keyboards so small as well that I can just put it away in a second when not using it. Has fantastic integration with ableton too.Nice!