Second place for UKIP, impressive, lets see if it holds.
Growth is exactly what you need to recover from a recession. As GDP rises the debt falls as a % of GDP. And i don't know if you had noticed, but the tories are still borrowing billions upon billions because we're still running a deficit. Because that's how national economics works. The tories wouldn't have been any different if they had been in power during the crash.
They are verbal. An exit poll is a mock ballot paper, placed in mock ballot box.
Hs2 won't happen in our lifetimes most probably. Get over it. But it needs doing, and it needs starting now. If people had the dull mentality of all the naysayers about hs2, there wouldn't be any trains, or roads, or fire.
I do, but I think it should go down to 16, along with much better education about the dynamics of politics.A sample of 22,000 doesn't give me much faith in it's accuracy so I won't be holding my breath based on the exit polls.
Had an interesting debate on the voting age today with my stepson, we are of differing political opinions and he wasn't best pleased when I suggested he and the majority of people his age (19) aren't really qualified to vote.
"But I've studied politics for three years, I know more about politics than you do"
"Politics isn't some thing you learn from a text book or a documentary, it's something you experience, do you imagine you could learn to drive from a text book without any practical lessons ? no you couldn't and so it is with politics, the only thing you've learned over the past three years is how to be a politician"
Without creating a new thread is there anyone else who feels we need to address the age at which people can vote ?
You know what you get for second place in a general election don't you?
IF Houghton and Sunderland South is in anyway Representative then ti would show the exit polls wildly wrong, UKIP doing far better than any poll expected, and the Tories getting destroyed.
But it is one seat so fairly meaningless in itself.
A sample of 22,000 doesn't give me much faith in it's accuracy so I won't be holding my breath based on the exit polls.
Had an interesting debate on the voting age today with my stepson, we are of differing political opinions and he wasn't best pleased when I suggested he and the majority of people his age (19) aren't really qualified to vote.
"But I've studied politics for three years, I know more about politics than you do"
"Politics isn't some thing you learn from a text book or a documentary, it's something you experience, do you imagine you could learn to drive from a text book without any practical lessons ? no you couldn't and so it is with politics, the only thing you've learned over the past three years is how to be a politician"
Without creating a new thread is there anyone else who feels we need to address the age at which people can vote ?
IF Houghton and Sunderland South is in anyway Representative then ti would show the exit polls wildly wrong, UKIP doing far better than any poll expected, and the Tories getting destroyed.
But it is one seat so fairly meaningless in itself.