Poll: The official I voted/election results thread

Who did you vote for?

  • Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 518 39.5%
  • Democratic Unionist Party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 65 5.0%
  • Labour

    Votes: 241 18.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 99 7.5%
  • Didn't vote / spoiled ballot

    Votes: 136 10.4%
  • Other party

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Respect Party

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 67 5.1%
  • Social Democratic and Labour Party

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Sinn Fein

    Votes: 4 0.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 158 12.0%

  • Total voters
Why are we still using this backwards system of putting a cross on a piece of paper and having them manually counted?

Shouldn't we be totally electronic now for results in seconds? Why are elections still in the stone age?

That's quite expensive though unless you have fewer polling stations. Hiring people for a couple of days every 5 years is cheaper than security audited machines everywhere.
Why can't they do it the way they do with GCSEs? (I took mine 25 years ago!) I remember one of my maths exams, we were given a piece of paper, a bit like a lottery ticket. We had to mark the answers with a black line.

You could do the same with ballot slips. That way, you can scan heaps of papers in minutes.
And I promise you, Milliband's promise not to in any way deal with the SNP is a complete lie.

Nonsense, Miliband cannot deal with the SNP, it simply is not an option for him. The SNP have basically ran their campaign on "if you want Labour vote for us, you'll get Labour plus some nice deals we squeeze out of them", they have been exploiting Labour in order to increase their election chances while hurting Labours. If Miliband deals with them it will vindicate that tactic, no sane Scotsman will ever vote Labour again, it would kill his party north of the border and the resentment it would cause in England would practically kill them in England too (we're talking "I'll never vote Tory cos Thatcher" levels of resentment).
Why can't they do it the way they do with GCSEs? (I took mine 25 years ago!) I remember one of my maths exams, we were given a piece of paper, a bit like a lottery ticket. We had to mark the answers with a black line.

You could do the same with ballot slips. That way, you can scan heaps of papers in minutes.

That's a good idea. I'm guessing it has been considered. No idea why it hasn't been done.
Why are we still using this backwards system of putting a cross on a piece of paper and having them manually counted?

Shouldn't we be totally electronic now for results in seconds? Why are elections still in the stone age?

Because we would end up with "that bear" as prime minister and bieber as his deputy, Biggie Smalls as finance minister (mo money mo problems) and 1D in opposition.

Plus as well as that fear, computers are far less accessible for older generations.

Its being rolled out and tested on small scales but not really ideal.
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