If you go here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news you can put in postcode and see when your results are expected.
That has happened already as far as I'm seeing.
The ones who think HS2 is a good idea are the ones that need a wake up call. What's it going to cost now? £42bn? I sure as hell am not funding it.
If you go here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news you can put in postcode and see when your results are expected.
That has happened already as far as I'm seeing.
Yes, but in 5 years time they'll think twice about doing so.
Bbc Scotland saying that it's the yes voters disaffected with labour that have caused their demise up north but it doesn't matter how Scotland votes 5 years will see UK out of Europe with a suffering pound and calls for an independent Scotland taking their place.
The problem with HS2 is by the time it's finished, it'll be outdated. Already Japan have working maglev trains going at 300+ mph. We should aim to match that.![]()
The problem with HS2 is by the time it's finished, it'll be outdated. Already Japan have working maglev trains going at 300+ mph. We should aim to match that.![]()
Not if North Sea Oil dies on its arse.
The victorians spent £20bn+ on railway improvements in one decade (accounting for inflation), HS2 will cost twice that and give more than twice the benefit.
The idea that it's some mental vanity project is propaganda, other EU countries already have modern high speed rail links, it's time to bring our railways into the 21st century.
Being able to go on a day trip from Glasgow to Eurodisney is not to be laughed at.
Which it will. How long are the reserves forecast to last? 10 years? 20 at most?
Maybe the rest of the country should be brought up to speed first...
2/3 of the country pretty much still relies on old diesel rolling stock.