Grr, made a new notebook but when I try and go into it (via the website) the link goes to a failed page, and the lumia can't see any 'sections' within it? Odd, I guess it's a glitch, will try later. :-/
edit - Right, it was a Chrome problem, done it in IE and all is well. Thanks for the help peeps.
double edit - The whole microsoft cloud thing seems a bit glitchy, it wanted me to verify my identity via text, fine, but then said 'Can't do this right now, try again later'. Just a touch rubbish.
edit - Right, it was a Chrome problem, done it in IE and all is well. Thanks for the help peeps.

double edit - The whole microsoft cloud thing seems a bit glitchy, it wanted me to verify my identity via text, fine, but then said 'Can't do this right now, try again later'. Just a touch rubbish.
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