If Variety wins are we going to have to have another vote for a new country, which is going to be 'whatever country people happen to have a beer for at the time'? I foresee a Pirates of the Caribbean brethren court situation occurring.
If Variety wins are we going to have to have another vote for a new country, which is going to be 'whatever country people happen to have a beer for at the time'? I foresee a Pirates of the Caribbean brethren court situation occurring.
If Variety wins we then will be voting on any country that hasn't been used in the competition to date.
How is this actually going to work? There are hundreds of unpicked countries!
Cool. Just wish I had not quaffed a Spanish and Swedish beer last weekend.
I have sent Scotland mate as I am due to become a father on Saturday so will be a little distracted.
Can we get some clarity on 'value' please..........
Any own brand beer?
Any restrictions?
Yes, pretty much ANY supermarket / store OWN branded lager / ale / stout.
Any suggestions on restrictions / ideas then please speak up now
I've still to vote
Can I change my vote from Variety to Value?
No sorry mate, been asked before and refused. Once cast it's gone...
Autoreply not working?
I'm totally broke, which does make things quite challenging for the rest of the competition. I'm just not able to spend the money hunting and buying rare beers...