*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition ***

If Variety wins are we going to have to have another vote for a new country, which is going to be 'whatever country people happen to have a beer for at the time'? I foresee a Pirates of the Caribbean brethren court situation occurring. :D
If Variety wins are we going to have to have another vote for a new country, which is going to be 'whatever country people happen to have a beer for at the time'? I foresee a Pirates of the Caribbean brethren court situation occurring. :D

If Variety wins we then will be voting on any country that hasn't been used in the competition to date. Whichever country has highest number of votes will then be used for 'V'. In the event of a tie, a draw will be made to determine the winner. :)

Voting on 'V' choice so far...

Variety = 4
Value = 3
Vehicle = 1

Keep them coming

EDIT: I've still to vote.... um err aarrrgh
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Value, I think variety would be chaos with all the unpicked countries!

Also Scotland and Thailand are proving difficult. I got so much choice for both, going to end up with 1 pointers i just know it!
How is this actually going to work? There are hundreds of unpicked countries!

I've explained how it works, you can vote for any country that hasn't been used in the competition to date. It's a simple chance for people to vote for a country that they wanted to play but never got the chance, might be lucky second time around. If we end up with lots of single votes, then a draw will be made to decide it.

Like I said it's a chance that can be taken or abused, it's up to you all.
Cool. Just wish I had not quaffed a Spanish and Swedish beer last weekend. :D

I have sent Scotland mate as I am due to become a father on Saturday so will be a little distracted. :eek:
Cool. Just wish I had not quaffed a Spanish and Swedish beer last weekend. :D

I have sent Scotland mate as I am due to become a father on Saturday so will be a little distracted. :eek:

That's what I like to see, planning ahead ;) All the very best and make sure you keep us all updated.... any excuse for another beer and all that ;)
Well its a tough choice but I have my Scotland options sorted, too many nice ones to choose from so some serious tasting and enjoying is in order... (thailand also sorted/entered) :D
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Yes, pretty much ANY supermarket / store OWN branded lager / ale / stout.

Any suggestions on restrictions / ideas then please speak up now :)

I've still to vote :D

Anything own label is good for me. As long as it is clearly own label. Happy to nclude all the 'Finest' stuff and the like, as it is all still cheaper than branded.
Autoreply not working?

I'm totally broke, which does make things quite challenging for the rest of the competition. I'm just not able to spend the money hunting and buying rare beers... :(
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