*** The Official OcUK Beers Of The World Competition ***

17 Jan 2011
the King's city

Sorry to hear that DJ, can't imagine how you must have felt or are feeling. Hope your kids are doing ok. As Macca said glad you're ok I had thought the same.

DJ I think you all know that we think a lot of you and thank you for all the time and effort you have given us in this competion. :)

Yes many thanks for all the hard work you have put into this comp and also thanks to Macca for taking over and now having a new forum wife. ;):p:D
6 Feb 2008
I've just sent my IPA entry in. Not sure this week whether it's a good one or not. I don't drink IPA so it is a supermarket entry.

I was in town earlier and the aim was to go to somewhere a bit more unusual and get one but I forgot. I'm at my parents now but I made the effort to nip out so I've just had to quickly nip out and get one. Nearest supermarket to me was where I went.

Lets see what happens. It's hotting up. :p
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