internet went down, frantically trying to reset everything i was back now!
Aww man... only 1 point
Aww man... only 1 point
points updated
We had:
Goose Island India Pale Ale selected by 3 people, manveruppd / Mike306 / Pieplough (1 point for most popular)
MGD - 2 people, Jokester / ~Divine~Wind~ (they get 2 points for second most popular)
Brooklyn Lager - 2 people, PingWing / Spuj1988 (they get 2 points for second most popular)
Maccapacca - it was A for America matey and sorry (I nearly did same myself truth be told) but Moosehead Beer is Canadian
Everyone else selected a beer no one else did so they get 3 points.
hard luck mate, 25 more chances yet though
Its ok dude its the takin part that counts. Gives you an excuse to do more "research"
pieplough if it makes you feel better I got my 3 points with Budweiser
pieplough if it makes you feel better I got my 3 points with Budweiser