*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Ok I said in the thread that I was going to wait until ~ March for my PS4 (as that is when Infamous is due to be relased), but well....



Quick(long) backstory:

In Sainsburys on Friday night checking to see what they had for the Xbox One and noticed whilst walking past the doors for the stock room (which were ajar), that they had written "Xbox One / PS4 due in Sunday". Saturday night we were away so Sunday morning we left early and got there for opening. PS4's weren't due in until 2. Rang up at 2, lorry delayed until 3 due to traffic. Rang up at 2:45 to be told three people were already in the queue with 6 consoles available :eek:. Managed to get there a few minutes later and ended up 5th in the queue. Missed out on the Kilzone bundles, but managed to get a normal one and bought Killzone seperately.

I'm sad to say that, for the hour I was waiting in the queue I was like a kid on Christmas morning. My wife (who had kindly decided to wait with me) was not amused!

Got it home and after faffing for a bit I got it up and running without any issue. Watched a couple of DVD's and installed Killzone, but haven't managed to play beyond the very intial section - which I did on the Vita in bed...

First impressions; I like the controller but prefer the Xbone one. I love the UI in comparison to the Xbone's, but both appear a little buggy and have a lot of room for improvement. My unit is quiet but I haven't used it in anger yet (no doubt it will be louder than the eerily silent Xbone.

A couple more pictures;

All set up (portable sun warning!):


Controller comparison:


Offscreen Killzone (excuse the poor lighting here, my Lumia really struggled with the Vita's screen):


Offscreen play works very well but there is a hint of lag to the controls. For me it is acceptable for single player but wouldn't be for multiplayer. Something like Knack would be absolutely fine on it.

Going to play a bit more tonight but have work first. Only 10 hours to go. :)
Gonna install an SSD at some point today. Interesting to see how much faster things load, noticed some games load almost twice as fast in the HDD/SHDD/SSD tests, save a load of time over the years lol.

Is their a way to back up saves etc?
Played around an hour of Killzone last night and the fans were pretty loud, I put the console into standby straight after quitting and they stayed on for probably 1-2 minutes afterwards, presumably cooling the console down.

I have a feeling that as I had been playing my XO for around 2 hours previously, that the surrounding area was already warm to start with, which may have contributed to the noise.

I think KZ might be quite a taxing game anyway, as I'd not noticed this with anything else previously, but still it was quite surprising just how noisy the PS4 was.
By the way, got Injustice and Lego Marvel at the weekend for £22.50 each from game when bought with something else.
I needed another pad (£5 more expensive from game) and charging dock (£5 more expensive) so ended up paying normal price for the peripherals and £27 each for the games.

Sounds like a great deal. Was that a weekend only deal, or does it run any longer (if you noticed)? Wouldn't mind picking up a couple of games cheap while waiting for my PS4 to arrive.
Just read that the new Turtle beach ps4 chat cables works flawlessly with the Astro A40s my only problem now is locating the cable in the UK

I'm trying to find one for Turtle Beach headset. The chat cable is on the turtle beach website but you can't seem to buy it from there. I've tweeted Turtle Beach asking where we can get one in the UK but didn't get a reply.
Well, as much as I'd love one, had to cancel again haha. Spent too much on my pc last week along with my london trip. Then to top it off, 3 weeks till Christmas!!! Still no presents bought so they gotta come first sadly
Played around an hour of Killzone last night and the fans were pretty loud, I put the console into standby straight after quitting and they stayed on for probably 1-2 minutes afterwards, presumably cooling the console down.

I have a feeling that as I had been playing my XO for around 2 hours previously, that the surrounding area was already warm to start with, which may have contributed to the noise.

I think KZ might be quite a taxing game anyway, as I'd not noticed this with anything else previously, but still it was quite surprising just how noisy the PS4 was.

My PS4 has been silent, except for a few minutes when i was downloading 3 things and playing Warframe at the same time. The fans spun up and it was pretty loud. Louder than my fat PS3 has ever been, but it soon stopped and I haven't heard it since.
I seem to be enjoying Warframe a little too much.

Its all Ive played all weekend.

By the way, got Injustice and Lego Marvel at the weekend for £22.50 each from game when bought with something else.
I needed another pad (£5 more expensive from game) and charging dock (£5 more expensive) so ended up paying normal price for the peripherals and £27 each for the games.

Is how I justified it to the missus when I got back.
Is this only for customers that bought the console from GAME? I wouldnt mind getting Injustice, even tempted to get Knack!

ps3ud0 :cool:
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