I've toyed for ages with the idea of getting PSVR. It was always the high price that put me off. I see the price has come down somewhat now, but since there's a PS5 on the horizon, do you think it would be better to hold off and wait for a newer, better version for the PS5?
I've toyed for ages with the idea of getting PSVR. It was always the high price that put me off. I see the price has come down somewhat now, but since there's a PS5 on the horizon, do you think it would be better to hold off and wait for a newer, better version for the PS5?
i know a lot of people love it, but i can't really get into mine. It's a bit of a hassle to set up and lots of wires...and often there'll be tracking issues and what not. I would imagine that version 2 will sort out a lot of 'issues' that this gen's vr has. Personally, I'd be inclined to waitI've toyed for ages with the idea of getting PSVR. It was always the high price that put me off. I see the price has come down somewhat now, but since there's a PS5 on the horizon, do you think it would be better to hold off and wait for a newer, better version for the PS5?
Why on earth would they use a Power VR add on chip for HW RT?!
I enjoy PSVR - as long as you get the V2, then you've got full HDR pass-through, so the box can remain plugged in all the time - to get mine up and running I simply take the headset out of its case and plug it in - off I go.
Tracking issues - I find the longer I play, the more my tracking becomes "off" but it's simple enough to reset.
This might be the first time where I'm open to having a Xbox. Fancy a change, doesn't seem much between them so far.
I don't play online at all. Will see which turns out to be the most powerful and probably go with that.There isn't much between them this generation apart from the massively better exclusives the PS4 has... What do your friends have and what games do you want to play is pretty much the decision between Xbox and PS.