Poll: *The Official PlayStation (PS5/PS5 Pro) Thread*

Will you be buying a PS5 Pro on release?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 14.9%
  • No (not at £700 Lol)

    Votes: 201 57.4%
  • No (other)

    Votes: 79 22.6%
  • Pancake

    Votes: 18 5.1%

  • Total voters
I hope they going to fix the share and option buttons, why they are buttons sitting flush with the controller casing instead of raised buttons I dont know, its very annoying.

Yes I agree. That's my only gripe about the controller.
The battery is poor in the PS4 controller that needs addressing or we want the option of a removable battery pack.

iirc the battery was a measly 1000mha jobby which didn't last long especially if you had a headset connected. Normally had to play longer sessions with micro USB plugged in.

I would hope that they address this and give a far bigger capacity battery.

I'd love to of seen that meeting, all sat around a table, right here is what we are going to do.

Guys, I got it...New logo reveal. Done.

*everyone claps enthusiastically and drinks herbal tea*
I'd love to of seen that meeting, all sat around a table, right here is what we are going to do.

Guys, I got it...New logo reveal. Done.

*everyone claps enthusiastically and drinks herbal tea*

Agreed. I suppose it was a mild attempt to bulk out Sony's showcase but really wasn't required with the PS event next month. The only logo anyone is going to care about is the one that also has numbers preceded by a £ sign that sits on shops shelf edge.

The battery is poor in the PS4 controller that needs addressing or we want the option of a removable battery pack.

Plus they really need to make the included USB cable longer, it was ludicrously short with the DS4 controller. I don't want to sit 3 feet from my 55" TV while charging my controller.
Plus they really need to make the included USB cable longer, it was ludicrously short with the DS4 controller. I don't want to sit 3 feet from my 55" TV while charging my controller.

Easily fixed by having an iPhone/similar charging plug with USB connected to your PS4's USB cable as I often have my phone charger within arms reach.

Plus they really need to make the included USB cable longer, it was ludicrously short with the DS4 controller. I don't want to sit 3 feet from my 55" TV while charging my controller.

Yeah for me its not an issue as my ps4 is part of my PC setup so I sit right in front of it, but looking at the cable, if you in a living room, then yeah that is short.

The original ps4 which had no wired support (the cable was purely for charging only), I had constant issues with the controller pairing, but on the pro console, they now support wired controller mode so that is thankfully a thing of the past, they need to keep wired support on the ps5.
Kinda weird thing to post in the PS5 thread, but I'm still 90% sure, that i will get the PS5 on launch, however I can't help but shake the feeling that it might actually be smarter if I get the X to begin with, then a little later in the lifecycle get the PS5 (likely selling the X to do so)

My reasoning being that the Sony exclusives (Final Fantasy especially), will be both coming out on the PS4 and PS5, meaning I can keep my current PS4 and also dip into whatever exclusives come out for the x and have the best of both worlds for a while.

Anyone here having similar thoughts?
Kinda weird thing to post in the PS5 thread, but I'm still 90% sure, that i will get the PS5 on launch, however I can't help but shake the feeling that it might actually be smarter if I get the X to begin with, then a little later in the lifecycle get the PS5 (likely selling the X to do so)

My reasoning being that the Sony exclusives (Final Fantasy especially), will be both coming out on the PS4 and PS5, meaning I can keep my current PS4 and also dip into whatever exclusives come out for the x and have the best of both worlds for a while.

Anyone here having similar thoughts?

Personally, it'll be PS5 for me - simply based on the fact my Xbone gets used a handful of times a year - and I expect the next Xbox will be the same (for me at least). The exclusives on Xbox simply aren't enough to pull me back into that camp.
Kinda weird thing to post in the PS5 thread, but I'm still 90% sure, that i will get the PS5 on launch, however I can't help but shake the feeling that it might actually be smarter if I get the X to begin with, then a little later in the lifecycle get the PS5 (likely selling the X to do so)

My reasoning being that the Sony exclusives (Final Fantasy especially), will be both coming out on the PS4 and PS5, meaning I can keep my current PS4 and also dip into whatever exclusives come out for the x and have the best of both worlds for a while.

Anyone here having similar thoughts?

I do not have the time to game on more than one system - so I have to make a smart choice with my platform decision. I weighed up the pro's and con's at each generation and the PS3 and PS4 won both times - mainly due to those exclusives.
This just isn't going to change when it comes to PS5.
Nobody knows what the relative performance is going to be on the two systems. All these rumours of the XB being 30% more powerful are just that, rumours. It won't matter which is the more powerful when you're only playing on a single system. I wont sit there running them side by side getting upset. I'll just stick with the PS platform and enjoy those exclusives.

Still not convinced I'll be a day one purchaser unless the release games are "must have". Sure the PS5 will play PS4 games, but then so will my PS4 Pro and I can just buy PS5 at it's first cost-down.
I think ^^ is a very good point. Both the last two gens, I’ve owned Xbox and PS and the Xbox has always been given away after a couple of years. It’s just inevitable when you have two boxes and 90% of the games are the same that one will get used less. It happens now that my PS4 is hardly ever used because I have a PC.

The XBox Series X is such a thing of beauty though and with its rumoured power, it will be very difficult to pass up. Game Pass might just swing it.
Ever gen so far I've had both but this was first gen I got rid of the Xbox I had, mostly due to game pass being on pc and Sony just had better games imo.

I do want a ps5 and ideally at launch however I won't preorder I'll just see what happens with the launch games and decide from there
I'm not saying that I will own both next-gen consoles concurrently.

I have a PS4 and will therefore be able to play their exclusives as(i assume, those will be available on both the PS4 and PS5 for some time, but jump onto the X to play Halo etc. during the initial launch year.

Once the first year into the next gen has passed, sell both the PS4 and X, and play on a single console, the PS5, until whatever comes next.
My purchasing decision will mostly come down to who has the better exclusives. This generation it was Sony, I felt that MS played it way too safe in terms of continuing to plug their franchises rather than encourage new IP, so they need to come up with something exciting next gen to get me back on board. However, I'm not against owning an Xbox again, I have mates who own them and I prefer the Xbox One controller to the Dualshock, so if MS could get their act together with their game lineup I'd definitely reconsider.
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