Poll: *The Official PlayStation (PS5/PS5 Pro) Thread*

Will you be buying a PS5 Pro on release?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 14.9%
  • No (not at £700 Lol)

    Votes: 201 57.4%
  • No (other)

    Votes: 79 22.6%
  • Pancake

    Votes: 18 5.1%

  • Total voters
Which makes 500 quite reasonable Imo.
It would but for the fact that the PS3 was widely criticised for its pricing on release. It was $599/€599/£425, back in 2006.

So adjusting that for inflation and using that as justification for a £599+ UK price (etc) is to take an example of an expensive, unpopular console (on release) and expecting more of the same :D

Sony themselves have since said the PS3 price was "a mistake".

But these things don't exist in a vacuum and the price will also have to bear in mind what the competition are doing.
It would but for the fact that the PS3 was widely criticised for its pricing on release. It was $599/€599/£425, back in 2006.

So adjusting that for inflation and using that as justification for a £599+ UK price (etc) is to take an example of an expensive, unpopular console (on release) and expecting more of the same :D

Sony themselves have since said the PS3 price was "a mistake".

But these things don't exist in a vacuum and the price will also have to bear in mind what the competition are doing.
What was the X, £400. I'm probably not the best judge on what's resonable:D, I've told my Mrs I'm getting one on release:p.
It would but for the fact that the PS3 was widely criticised for its pricing on release. It was $599/€599/£425, back in 2006.

So adjusting that for inflation and using that as justification for a £599+ UK price (etc) is to take an example of an expensive, unpopular console (on release) and expecting more of the same :D

Sony themselves have since said the PS3 price was "a mistake".

But these things don't exist in a vacuum and the price will also have to bear in mind what the competition are doing.

I think over £500 feels a LOT more than under £500. If the PS5 launched at £649 (the equivalent of PS3's launch price) it would also get slated, that's too much.

I think it's a stretch to expect £399, but having said that PS+ is much more established now and so are digital purchases. Both things that will bump up revenue a lot earlier in the console life-cycle than previous generations, so they can afford to take a loss on the hardware. I think Sony will wait for MS regardless, and match them. If they come out over 399 I think they'll chuck in 3+ months of PS Now/Gamepass to sweeten the deal, and maybe a first party game aswell.
I'd like it to be at most £449. That's far enough away from the £500 mark to keep it "affordable", and still £100 more than the PS4 Pro.

Even sitting at £500 I think that's a fair chunk of cash for most people, and will make them think twice about buying or waiting for price drops.

We shall see - only 10 months to go :p
Been seeing articles about the next Gran Turismo targetting better framerates rather than visuals, so if they go to 120fps, will our tv's be able to display it, or do we need something new like those gaming monitors etc?
Been seeing articles about the next Gran Turismo targetting better framerates rather than visuals, so if they go to 120fps, will our tv's be able to display it, or do we need something new like those gaming monitors etc?

HDMI 2.1 supports 4k120 which most 2020 onwards TVs will support, and some 2019 TVs aswell.
Been seeing articles about the next Gran Turismo targetting better framerates rather than visuals, so if they go to 120fps, will our tv's be able to display it, or do we need something new like those gaming monitors etc?
Was it not 30fps? My guess is it will be 60.

£500 for a state-of-the-art newly launched console in 2020 is perfectly reasonable as far as I'm concerned. Though obviously we'd all prefer it to be cheaper i think people need to be realistic with their expectations.

Consoles haven't been state of the art for decades.
The ps4/Xbox1 perhaps not but the pro/X versions definitely were IMO. Likewise the xbox360/ps3 were comparable to high end PCs at launch

It remains to be seen how the Ps5/XboxSX fare though.......

The pro/X still have extremely weak CPUs, even by 2013 standards.
This is the article https://www.gtplanet.net/gran-turismos-future-4k-resolution-is-enough-but-240fps-is-the-target/ which says GT has a 60fps mode on PS4 Pro but the PS5 version will try to get to 4K120.

I admire the optimism of the gaming press.

Bells and whistles will always win the battle against FPS.

Sex sells, as they say.

Stable 4k 120 is still a mammoth task on the latest PC hardware let alone a console with componentry that will already be a couple of years out of date at the point of release (not to mention watered down to facilitate a reasonable price point).

I love my consoles but I dont let that blind me to their obvious performance limitations.

My guess is the PS5 might manage 4k 60 at a push in some kind of 'performance mode' with a reduction in fidelity to favour frame rate.

The writing is already on the wall. Devs for pro/1x could be making 60 fps titles every day of the week, but they choose to make games look better and roll with 30fps because prettier games sell more and the shareholders like sales.

I predict the same will be true for PS5.
60fps should be easy - going from those rubbish Jaguar cores to a proper Ryzen CPU will double if not triple frame-rates off the bat, the only thing that will hold frame-rates back next generation is what developers choose to target. It's far easier to target 30fps because there's less optimisation needed and of course you can throw in more effects and make the game look better.

The biggest thing which has kept the current generation at 30fps is the Jaguar CPU cores, it's like gaming on a PC today with a processor from 2005, sure there are 8 cores instead of 2 but multi-threading is not well suited to gaming.
I think most games will be using clever upscaling to get 4k, so 120fps may well be possible. Already the results of DLSS look as good and even better than 4k native and obviously give a large performance increase. No brainer for consoles imo.
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