*** The Official Rugby World Cup 2015 Thread ***

Poor display by France but I agree with Woodward, this doesn't represent where French rugby is right now. It isn't that bad. But equally it isn't in the place it needs to be. Glad Wales put up a bigger fight than that.
The Radio 5Live commentator just on now kept referring to the NZ v Fr match as Test Match...grrr.

I had just turned on the radio and for about 10 mins I thought she was talking about cricket.
Ireland guilty of hubris so far and it's biting them. Some brilliant Argentinian players here.

Plus, they'll eat you alive :-P
Good game, terrible start costing the game. Would've been nice had 3 not gotten away with that second offence though

How he got away with that is totally unacceptable and just shows the inconsistent adjudicating in this world cup and in world rugby as a whole
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