***The Official Samsung Galaxy S III Thread***

Who did you recycle with Mrk ?

If it was O2 I am sure I read it somewhere that possibly do extensions to the time limit.

It was with o2, yeah, I also have a secondary backup one with ASDA for £223 but that will expire before the S3 arrives anyway. I could re0submit a new entry though at the current price in a few days with hope that the quote stays the same?
Also, how much are 02 offering you for an S2? They're offering me 110.50 for my galaxy S, which im shocked about , didnt think it was worth anything like that!

Also if you get a chance to put in a promo code try "more4u" i think it gives an extra 10% still...
Wow what a colossal fail by Samsung. I'm not all that fussed since this isn't a handset I was waiting for but I'd have been very peeved off. The order I put through was for a white one for the missus which might arrive today at some point...
P4U has said today that there is no ETA on the blue one.

Ace Modder has managed to switch his order to a white handset but I am still wanting the blue one.

If the handset isn't here within the next few weeks then I may consider cancelling the order with P4U and Vodaphone and just wait for my upgrade with o2 on the 18th June.

it wont have all the extras like quidco cashback, £50 accessory pack and £31pm contract but I guess i get to keep my number.

decisions decisions
Also, how much are 02 offering you for an S2? They're offering me 110.50 for my galaxy S, which im shocked about , didnt think it was worth anything like that!

Also if you get a chance to put in a promo code try "more4u" i think it gives an extra 10% still...

£232 for my S2, I already sold the extended battery for £20 but the weehead who bought it still has not paid for it so I think that will be a re-list soon.
Just changed my order of the blue to white with PHones4U, however they are not changing any more orders over now due to low stock levels.
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