**** The Official Samsung Galaxy S7/Edge Thread ****



Parcelforce Tracking shows:
6/3/2016 16:33
London North West Depot…
edit ** Does not look like they are fullfulling the 3 day early promise , I have asked for a change of address as i am at home tomorrow but looks like i will be waiting for nothing :(

Isn't the official release date the 11th, in which case most will have it 3 days early?
I suggest looking at twitter feed for those companies, i just looked at affordable mobiles and they're saying that they will be dispatching today for tomorrow's delivery after speaking to their stock manager.

so it should be here in the 8th as expected
My old Sony is still a very good and fast phone. It's still water and dust proof, even my screen protector is still attached after two years.I could probably keep using my Sony for another two years easily, the battery still lasts two days with minimal use. I find it a slightly dull phone but I wonder how much of an upgrade my new Samsung is going to be? I'm looking forward to trying Samsung Pay and I know the feel of the phone will be hugely superior to the rough feeling Z2.
oh my god, my samsung dispatch email is showing my old address... AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

That address isnt on my samsung account or my paypal, I've lived in my current address for almost 2 years now!
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