Folks Im working through the tutorials in FSX and Ive come to the Solo flight taxi mission.
Thing is it doesnt explain the procedures for taking off etc.
Is there a tutorial somewhere that anyone can recommend about how to taxi and take off (and land/taxi) ?
Landing takes some practice. Try the follwing to get you started with landings, but bear in mind they are not standards.
Also, download and install 'Plan-G' for FSX. This will give you a visual representation of where you are flying.
At your chosen runway, in the default Cessna, lined up on the centreline, find your 'altimeter'. The thing that measures your height.
There's a little rotating knob to the left of it. Using your mouse wheel to change the air pressure value so that your height is '0'. This now means that to land, you will aim for a height of '0' feet.
Now find the 'HDG' rotating knob. Roate the bug so that is at 12 O' Clock, i.e your runway heading. Take off and fly the runway heading and get to 1000 ft as thingemajib said.
Using Plan-G, try and fly a rectangle. The runway will form the 'centre bit' of the right hand line. It has some of the right hand line above and below it. When you are in the 'bit above', turn left 90 degrees (top part of rectangle). Try to stay at 1000ft.
Wait 30 seconds. Now turn left 90 degress. Parallel side of rectangle. You should be flying with the runway to your left hand side.
With the start of the runway at a 45 degree angle or there abouts from your rear quarter view left-hand window, turn left 90 degrees. This will be the bottom part of rectangle.
In Plan-g, where you see the green bit of the runway, turn left 90 degrees.
Start reducing power to 60 kts and aim for the runway.
There are plenty of online tutorials and YouTube videos to assist.
As always, you can practice on your own or online with V and myself. all standards welcome. We can fly on Gamespy.