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I'll continue to wait then as as you can also see by my sig my system is a little old now, at least the CPU is. It only just cuts the mustard with FSX. I'd like to change to a 34" widescreen monitor but I think my PC would implode if I tried running it at the res required on those.
I have a friend using FSX on a 4K monitor using an old 650 GFX card, it looks and performs very well. He has a better CPU (newer and at 4.4Ghz) so not that much quicker. He uses lots of 3rd party aircraft and throws in some ORBX scenery for good measure, no complex aircraft as he's a GA man. You might be surprised how well your system might cope.
My system isn't really poor performance by far I'd just prefer it to be able to handle certain areas a little better than it does, though I am aware there are some areas in FSX that any PC will struggle with. I think my CPU is probably my biggest bottleneck and a new CPU, Ram and MoBo would probably make it a smoother experience. It's not bad as it is I just want it better that's all. I've been trying to get the best out of flight sim since FS2004 days where the big thing was to run a different profile in XP where on booting up hardly anything was running. These days I follow Nick's guide.

As for addons I have a fair bit of ORBX and also have Majestic Dash8 and the PMDG T7. I also have a few RealAir and Aerosoft aircraft but they aren't as bad at hitting the resources. For weather I have REX something, can't recall which. So in all my install is going to be harder on the system than the default one. I currently run at 1920x1080 and things will only get worse as I higher the resolution. At least that's my excuse to be eyeing up a new gaming PC :D
Hello fellow Flight Sim Users.

PC performance is always going to be difficult to judge.

I've always advocated a 'horses for courses' approach, or is that 'planes for airports'.

Using the excellent 'Scenery Config Editor' has been they key to my near zero 'OOM' exceptions. :cool:

And a powerful PC in terms of 4.5 Ghz, 1080p, GTX 1070, SSD solely for FSX use and some of minor tweaks of the fsx config file and NVIDIA inspector.

And then another PC to offload Weather, Comms, and everything else onto.. :o

In fact, I've spent a fortune on Flight Simming over the years, but it all works.

As for P3D 64 bit. I'm sure it's coming but, if we jump to XP11, now it's out of Beta. They've corrected a lot of things from XP11 including the flight model, and now the third party developers have to update their planes to get the best out of XP11.

To see a plane maker making planes for FSX, FSX:SE, P3D:2.5(32bits),2.6(32bits),3.0(32bits) and then (I'm guessing) V4.0(64bits) for approximately £30 or so, I'm sure they're likely to give up and do something less stressful. :p
Hello fellow Flight Sim Users.

PC performance is always going to be difficult to judge.

I've always advocated a 'horses for courses' approach, or is that 'planes for airports'.

Using the excellent 'Scenery Config Editor' has been they key to my near zero 'OOM' exceptions. :cool:

And a powerful PC in terms of 4.5 Ghz, 1080p, GTX 1070, SSD solely for FSX use and some of minor tweaks of the fsx config file and NVIDIA inspector.

And then another PC to offload Weather, Comms, and everything else onto.. :o

In fact, I've spent a fortune on Flight Simming over the years, but it all works.

As for P3D 64 bit. I'm sure it's coming but, if we jump to XP11, now it's out of Beta. They've corrected a lot of things from XP11 including the flight model, and now the third party developers have to update their planes to get the best out of XP11.

To see a plane maker making planes for FSX, FSX:SE, P3D:2.5(32bits),2.6(32bits),3.0(32bits) and then (I'm guessing) V4.0(64bits) for approximately £30 or so, I'm sure they're likely to give up and do something less stressful. :p

OOM errors are a limitation of the FSX software and DX9 if I'm correct? Isn't it DirectX9 that is the main cause for OOM? I never experienced OOM up until I purchased the PMDG T7. I started dabbling with DX10 preview and Steve's fix to get shot of that. Like you say FSX is 'planes for airports'. It's one big compromise!
FSX is 32 bit software and has a usable address space of approximately 3.5 GB.

Each addon then eats into the memory and the PMDG T7, UK2000 or Aerosoft Heathrow, a high number of AI Aircraft, detailed textures of ground, aircraft and ground all want their piece of memory.

P3D addressed this by better managing the memory and unloading things from RAM / Virtual Address Space that FSX was running in to prevent the OOM.

Something like the Majestic Dash-8 does you a favour and puts processing outside of FSX.

With the Scenery Config, if I had all my UK airports loaded and flew out of London City towards Dublin (depending on which way I flew), I'd have:-
UK2000 London City, Gatwick, Heathrow, UK2000 South West Airports, Cardiff, Bristol, Exeter, Aerosoft London, Aerosoft Dublin, Generation X's Ireland East.

For Steve's DX10 fixer (which I use), it utilises the DX10 graphic capability of your GPU via hardware rather then the software rendering of DX9, which yes, can add to the OOM problem, but it's not a surefire fix.

For a more detailed explanation, see here:

FSUIPC helps and will give you a friendly sound to indicate you're near an OOM exception.

So to conclude, just because someone has 60FPS in FSX / P3D, you'd have to drill down to do an 'apples with apples' comparison.

It's all about smoothness, so if you can get the PMDG T7 out of Heathrow and it looks smooth, don't worry to much about chasing FPS.

XP10 & 11 is 64 bit, so it should be able to utilise all of your RAM, this doesn't mean it will be 60FPS / buttery smooth, it just means you won't run out of memory.
That's it, it was the memory issue with the 32bit software. Guess I just got lucky using DX10 that since then I've had no OOM. I do recall updating my FSUIPC too but that was to get rid of a problem with my FSX crashing randomly. Like you say it is't about FPS but the smoothness which FSX is better at than FS2004 was. The T7 at Heathrow with a low percentage of traffic and a little weather isn't quite as smooth as I'd like. It isn't a slide show by any means I just have goofy eyes that notices any stutter.

I'm done with tweaking FSX for now though. I just load up and fly. Annoyingly some of my missions have corrupted but other than that it all seems OK. When P3D is released in 64bit that'll be when I start tweaking again, and purchasing again.....£££
Are these straight from P3D sans post-processing?

Yep, Orbx is the way to go for great scenery, But as Charlatan said it can be expensive... having said that you can get a single region which will give a vast area to fly over at reasonable cost, and you can build from there.

These are all over Orbx FTX regions, from various places around the world.

These are all using Prepar3D, but the scenery is the same in FSX... just some of the lighting and weather effects will be missing.








v4 so far is really decent out of the box. I ramped up LOD and autogen to max and still got over 100 FPS in the F-22. Will see how it is when I start loading addons in though...
Reasonably happy with performance but this is with no addons. With fairly high settings I was getting it around 60fps but some dips down into 40s when panning over autogen dense areas. I can only compare to my FSX-SE DX10 I think it feels quite similar and with that I was extremely happy with the smooth flight with addons and orbx scenery.
Thinking of getting back into this, but not sure if I should go Prepar3D v4 or X-Plane-11.

The one thing I hated about FSX and Prepar3d v2 when I last tried it was autogen popin galore. Do you still get popins on Prepar3D v4?
Yeah. No add ons. I'm still getting quite a bit of a drop in frames. It seems to dip quite often to around 30. Not sure if this is to do with the internal v sync but it seems worse than fsx-se and gives the feel of a lot of stutters.
Can't wait to see the frame rates with complex aircraft like FSL and PMDG. I'll be holding off until PMDG sort their 744 and FSL release the the v4-compatible version to us testers. I never OOM'd in v3 so I'll likely not see any difference from v3 anyway.
Yeah. No add ons. I'm still getting quite a bit of a drop in frames. It seems to dip quite often to around 30. Not sure if this is to do with the internal v sync but it seems worse than fsx-se and gives the feel of a lot of stutters.

New effects do look nice.

I'm pretty happy with 3.4 overall, let us know how it handles the mods! I assume (hope) the extra RAM will make big difference once you have a bunch of scenery and aircraft enabled.
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