The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

In getting my FSX setup the best I can get it, I went with XP10 and XP11.

IMO, A 64 bit sim built from the ground up will be better than a 32 bit one built from the sky down.. :p

However, those screenshots look lovely and I'm looking forward to seeing reviews and people's opinions on YouTube etc.
I've been out the flightsim loop for about a year, but will prob come back now V4 is out. Since then the new activesky + cloudart it out. It is worth the upgrade from ASN, and are the clouds worth it over REX?
Active Sky Next isn't compatible and won't be made compatible with P3D V4. I was im the same boat and had to upgrade to Active asky 2016. They will release a free update for V4 shortly. IIRC REX Texture Direct will also be having an update for V4 free of charge. Can't comment on how they will be in V4 but in FSX SE both for me were essentials though I stuck with ASN and was very happy with it.
The wait for add-ons is killing me!
Liking the new way add-ons work also. The fact you can just reinstall P3D and just re-enable the add-ons is awesome
Finally had a chance to load up P3Dv4 with some of my addons - astounded at what this sim can do.

With the extended LOD tweak applied and a URP profile applied, my jaw was on the floor.

Climbing out of Edinburgh in the Milviz B-55




Thanks guys.

System spec is in sig. (i7 6700K @4.5GHz, GTX980Ti).

As for add-ons I'm not adding too much too quickly as trying to resist from adding scenery with old FSX/P3Dv3 installers just to try and assess the platforms stability.

So in the screenies above:
Active Sky 2016 beta 2 for v4
Orbx FTX Global, FTX Scotland, OpenLC EU and NA
Ultimate Realism v1.1 with reshade
PMDG 777
Aerosoft Twin Otter Extended

Can't wait to add in ASCA and REX.
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@ Shadow - Awesome screen shots.
I fired up FSX for the first time in ages last night, flew from Gatwick to Zurich & I really enjoyed it, at high altitude the default FSX still looks quite good. I wasn't sure what my landing skills would be like after so long, first attempt was a missed approach but landed on the 2nd attempt although I overshot the runway but it didnt result in a crash. If I get back into simming I'll invest some money in a new PC & I'll either go for P3D or Xplane11.
Is P3D a better version of FSX, are all the controls the same as FSX ?
If you're familiar with FSX then you'll feel at home with P3D. Some of the config files have been moved around but essentially it all works the same way. P3D has a much updated GFX engine and will tax your GFX card almost as much as your CPU. Most FSX add-ons can be coxed in to working with P3D v3 but the lastest P3D v4 has moved up in the world and is now 64 bit. Lots of FSX add-ons still work, those that don't have gauges or modules written in C++ or whatever. XML based gauges are still fine. More complex stuff requires the developers to re-work and re-compile their code.
Yes, PTA is fantastic.

P3Dv4 looks great got the following working atm:

Orbx FTX Global, OpenLC EU
Aerosoft Ibiza X Evolution
Aerosoft Mallorca X Evolution
Aerosoft Menorca X Evolution
Aerosoft Oslo 2.0
JustSim Luxembourg
Just Sim Nice
Drzewiecki Design Polish Airports vol 1
Active Sky 2016
REX Soft Clouds
PMDG 777
Aerosoft Twin Otter Extended

Looking forward to ORBX Vector being available on V4 and more of my airports moving over.
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