The 'Official' Screenshot & Tips thread 4 FSX enthusiasts & flight simmers.

If I drop the MCP Alt before T/D, then everything is fine and it will descent without further interaction.

If I miss the T/D, lower the alt, then it won't unless I click alt intv or vnav disengage / engage.

Must just be a minor difference in the builds. The NGX just descends once you lower the alt.

Once you descend, does it still follow the FMC VNAV path OK?
If I drop the MCP Alt before T/D, then everything is fine and it will descent without further interaction.

If I miss the T/D, lower the alt, then it won't unless I click alt intv or vnav disengage / engage.

ALT INTV is what you want to do here as far as I know (haven't tested in NGX)

What "cost index" value are you setting? pmdg says it must be between 25-40, have you noticed any differences?

I always use a CI of 0 to try and replicate the 737-400 performance when flying for BA Virtual. CI values wouldn't affect the T/D issues.
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If I drop the MCP Alt before T/D, then everything is fine and it will descent without further interaction.

If I miss the T/D, lower the alt, then it won't unless I click alt intv or vnav disengage / engage.

Which is what you would expect. If you don't reset the MCP alt before the top of descent then VNAV will disengage and the speed window will open. Once you've wound down the MCP altitude hitting VNAV again should get you going down. Beware if you're in VNAV path as the aircraft will dive to regain the profile with no regard to the speed, this can bring you close to the barbers pole.
V - sounds like you're doing very well.

I had another virtual flick through of the ifly manual and have picked up on some other things that I'll mention next time we speak.

I can be online tomorrow between 8-10pm. Please don't wait though. I can catch up with whatever is going on.

Yes thanks to you mate and also to the others you have helped. Its all going very well, just wanted to clarify them points I mentioned earlier.

Yes we can chat tomorrow when we online.

8pm, is good for me too...
You should expect the speed to start coming back about a minute before you reach T/D. At 5nm to T/D you should get an FMC alert to say RESET MCP ALTITUDE. Do you not get these?

Are you dropping the MCP window before or after the T/D?

Tried it now, it didn't give me a warning unless I was looking in the wrong place, I was in the legs menu? But changed it about 5nm from the T/D and it took me down as soon as I crossed it.
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The RESET MCP ALTITUDE only shows up very close to the TOD point, so you may have not reached the point yet. If close enough it should deffo show up in the FMC and FMA.

It seems as though I was mistaken and indeed you have to press ALT INTV if you are past the TOD point.

I asked the question on another forum and a real life 737 pilot gave this reply:

"It depends on how far past the calculated top of descent you leave it.

Default descent mode is the VNAV PTH descent, but this might not be available if you're too far gone from the top of descent. It will automatically change to the second mode, VNAV SPD, or VNAV will disconnect completely if it's not happy with the conditions. If it manages to re-engage in PTH mode, bear in mind that VNAV is only as clever as the person who's using it, and PTH mode is hell bent on getting back onto the descent profile with no regard for your speed.

If it doesn't want to re-engage in any mode, probably best to LVL CHG it down."

Another ascent tip I can give is this. A lot of waypoints during a SID have minor altitude changes around a 1000ft or so. A good example of this is the TUNBY and DET waypoints on the CLN5P SID from Gatwick. Using the straight ALT INTV button to put it into VNAV SPD mode can make for a very uncomfortable steep climb which would have your passengers reaching for the sick bags. I prefer to use the V/S to achieve a steady climb of 1000ft per minute for these short altitude changes.
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Tried it now, it didn't give me a warning unless I was looking in the wrong place, I was in the legs menu? But changed it about 5nm from the T/D and it took me down as soon as I crossed it.

If you haven't changed the the MCP Altititude you should get a yellow FMC MSG light on the annunciator panel above the navigation display. The message itself shows on the CDU in the scratchpad area (at the bottom where you see what you type appear)

As has been said before the default descent mode is VNAV PATH, this mode ignores the speed to fly the ideal descent profile. One thing to watch for is tailwinds in the descent. If you've not input the expected winds in the descent forecast page then VNAV assumes a decreasing wind from the top of descent. If the tailwinds are stronger than expected the aircraft will pitch down to keep the profile and the speed can run away. The system will try to warn you though, if you get more than 10 knots above the commanded speed the FMC will generate the message DRAG REQUIRED prompting you to pop a bit of spoiler.

If you've been flying on VATSIM and the controller gives you a speed to fly you can either select VNAV speed from the descent page or the easiest option is to use level change. If you get high on the profile just use spoiler to regain it. Just remember in level change the aircraft will descend through and altitude constraints in the STAR so you'll need to use the MCP for each step down.
Glad y'all asked..

You need:

1. Enthusiasm
2. Mumble Client
3. FSX or FS9.
4. VATSIM account is optional
4. Gamespy account - you can sign up in FSX

I don't mind what we do. I'm happy to teach you to fly (to my knowledge at least) VFR or IFR and learn the basic ATC required for VATSIM. Or we can do the free-for-all thing.

I'm currently logged onto Mumble, in our unofficial home - MMO,SWTOR,General Chat. I'm logged in as bluetonic, but you can call me Andrew.
I type the password in, press join, message comes up saying negotiating with host, then im back in the lobby :(

I think you cant join because we are flying already we all have to go in together........but we just finished as we have been on since 8pm and the others have gone.

We going to do another one on Thursday(weekend too maybe) if you are about? We going to try do this more often but be a little more organised, only 2nd time we have done this.

Was myself, Bluetonic and Robfosters
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