Who here would actually want to be the first to do this?
james cameron has expressed interest before using a souz to go to the moon.
however musk has said
Musk also said that "it's nobody from Hollywood" when asked if the passengers are celebrities.
so that would rule him out.
also heard the google founders names being thrown about
but any names being thrown around are pure speculation.
but they are rich. going to be around 35million each. if im reading it right, says same cost as nasa pays for a suz seat which is somewhere on the 70-80million ballpark. media is suggetsing thats for teh trip rather than each. but that doesnt make finacial sense unless spacex is giving it to them at a massive discount, ~80million each would make far more sense.
seeing as falcon heavy is 90million then however much dragon, spacesuits and training on top.
i hope they pass the medical, then i expect we will find out, as it has to be some ceo or other person who public finding out about ill health would damage their company/job.
even if this does happen, its extremely ambitiouse time scale.
falcon heavy hasn't flown yet, nor has dragon2, and spacex says that the moon mission wont fly till astronauts have flown to the iss onboard dragon 2.