*** The Official Tribes: Ascend Thread! ***

Well I was unhindered due to me coordinating our O. I know full well you can cap as I've played with you plenty but been able to communicate to your O is a must. Before we started playing our team were saying it was stacked which was proved right when we capped out in no time. Oxygen is a very decent player so not sure what happened with his picking. Maybe he didn't know anyone there.

Anyway I guess your mic will be here this week so we can give it another go.
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Yea it would be. Keep in mind each level takes more xp than the last so level 20+ even with extras takes awhile. If you want any tips or help with anything we will be on later on mumble.

Jim you playing O in that game?
proximity grenade is deal of the day
i need to practise sking and flag capping and other light classes :x

Proxy nades are good for on flag defence but if your aim is to be a flag capper there's more important items that you really need for pathfinder.

Impact nitrons

Skiing just takes practice but becomes second nature once you have it down but even after playing for 6 months there's still room for improvement. I recently found I was landing too low on a hill and taking damage. Just adjusting my landing spots to a meter from the crest of the slope I would mostly avoid any damage thus increasing my overall speed and flag grabs.

oh what key do i have to press to get rid of the tip of the day thing ingame? it comes up looking like ""

Dunno the key bind but I think if you can go to settings u can disable them there.

@Jim, wakey wakey :p
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Glad ur back sneaky. Maybe we can get a scrim for tomorrow.

Quick pub today chasing.


Kiwi you should have changed to juicy kiwi or as jim said big kiwi.
I guess its something you get used to. I can grab as fast as most with jump ski and jump jet. Is there not a button to toggle it?

Hopefully we can scrim that new team tonight if you lot are on. Sneaky you available?

Jim was trying your route on raindance last night and managed a 375kph grab. I do it slightly different at the sart through. You nitron disc to the left of the tree and rock but I find I keep more speed by going to the right. Need to work on a right to left now.
Yea will get that updated thanks.

Yea I was surprised what sort of level they think our team is at. We have played what 5 games together with random subs? I do think we would win pretty easy though. We beat nimble minds who although didn't have there best team were all better than any of team shaz.

If we are going to enter the 7v7 ladder and scrim officially we need to fill the last few places on the team but its up to the leaders to sort that out.

Also as for dualing like Jim I think its mostly aim more than anything.
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Ok will have to all get together and figure it out. You are very good considering how much you play.

Also kiwi I noticed today you have improved recently.
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Thanks, I'm really trying to improve my interception skills. We need to work on coordination. I think have the time I'm asking you what time and then asking everyone else what time but perhaps there is a better way?

Not sure tbh. Maybe we could get some tips from some top teams streaming as you can hear there mumble.

:D just won a pub match with a llama grab :D

neat trick ive found, crossbow arc's, so if you get the right spot you can take out turrets at close range, by shooting over a hill :)

Yea bolt launcher arcs. There is nothing wrong with llama grabs its just very important that you know when is the right time to do it and that you have the team to support you as you head back to your base.

Just started playing this... really fun :D

Any tips for a noob? My only experience so far is the training and about 45 mins of deathmatch :p

Try work on playing soldier. I think its a great class to learn the key skills of tribes. Air control. Skiing etc. Also try play ctf as much as you can. If you want help were on mumble most nights.
Not really needed if you have decent players defending flag. Force fields can be very useful to stop enemy cappers. Your not really learning anything by repairing stuff. Your better off working on flag defence with soldier and super heavy perk.

@ The guys who record. What sort of size will a map take up? Also what sorta effect will recording have to my fps? Also why does it make fps drop?
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