I might go for uncharted, the Fifa 08 demo seems a bit stuttery for my liking
The full retail version of Fifa is better, but Uncharted is IMO a much better game
I might go for uncharted, the Fifa 08 demo seems a bit stuttery for my liking
Slightly noobish question but if I get the canadian version of UT3 will it work on a UK PS3 ? online aswell ?
I swear no one plays this
rp only have like 60 kills?!?! I have had it for a couple days and already have 600 kills a 400 deaths.
It's so good though!
Gets better the more i play! Setting up a 12 player server with a good rotation on the smallest maps is soooo good!
I'm still catching up on work mate, but add inoshishi3 to your PSN
.... wrong thread...
Mark Rein has said Epic are looking at a way for MS to provide the same mod support but we'll have to wait and see.
lol at that lego map