The ONE AND ONLY ***OFFICIAL*** Crysis thread - SPOILERS!

Without having to go through the whole thread can anyone sum up the online aspect of this game, is it good, bad or great?

Outside Jungle/tropical stuff is breathtaking with never seen before effects with bullets through trees/shrubs etc 10/10

Inside the Ailien about 2/10

General story and gameplay 7/10

Highly reccomended

oops !!..You were asking about on-line, sorry I have not tried that Yet !
Online is good. Not OMGWTFBBQ amazing but it's worth playing. Power struggle is basically like a control point orientated game type, capture alien energy sites(in a king of the hill kinda way), capture the protoype facture, gain energy- gain enough to build nuclear weapons- nuke enemy base; win. Instant Action is like a lonewolf free for all, the most intense MP FFA i've ever played, it had me by the balls the whole time I was playing anyway. Oh yeah- lots of maps too, quite a good bit of variation there. You get the nice day/night cycles if you have DX10 hardware aswell; shame there's only ever really 1-2 servers with enough people to warrant playing in them though.
Just been playing crysis which im really enjoying but for some reason it has crashed twice, its been fine uptill now and its happening when im doing the first bit of flying clearing the skies, then again as i went to move out from there after i had restarted the game. Has anyone else had a similiar problems at all ?

had one crash, just after you get the guass gun, before you go in to the mines
I don't know if this has been asked before but what happened to the Korean forces joining up with the US forces? I was under the impression that the game begins with hostilities between the two human forces then they pool resources to take on the alien threat.
At the end of the game with the cutscene of Nomad returning to the island, I rubbed my hands in glee thinking that there was going to be some big ass battles with the Koreans as your allies. I even cracked open another can of beer in anticipation. Instead, the game just ended leaving me gob-smacked when the credits rolled.
And I do agree with the person who said that the gameplay went downhill after you entered the alien ship. It was like Crytek made the same mistake again as they did in Far Cry with the Trigen. But this time they were aware that most people found that fighting the human enemies was more fun than fighting mutants. But effectively, they fell into the same trap again anyway.
Great game, but I found the alien ship tedious and the battle on the carrier was just too 'old school end of level guardian' tackle for me.
As for the performance, I found it ran great in HIGH settings (except for shadows and shaders, which were both on medium) and 1920 res. Even in demanding scenes, such as the carrier battle, the game ran smoothly despite dropping down to about 20 fps. Jungle scenes stayed pretty much above 40 fps.

E6750 processor overclocked to 3.5GHz
IP35 Express MB
X-Fi Sound
2Gb Corsair PC6400 ram (DHX with the heat spreader)
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help, im i think im stuck on the third level or secound not sure but i have to board the korean cruiser ship, i have been trying to jump there from the crane no luck, any 1 know what i have to do?
I just killed the big alien thing on the aircraf carrier, and well, it was 11.8fps, shadows medium, everything else high at 1680x1050 and mrk's config.

How do you kill the big ball thing that come up from the water in the end?
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That was a boss?! I just jumped up, full strength and kept punching. He did even get to shoot back. Was pretty poor really.

I put about 15 bullets in his head with a precision rifle, then 2 rounds of uzi. And was starting to get frustrated.

One of my flatmates was shouting throw a box at him.
So I did. He went down after one hit with a box :/

I've just got to the Aircraft Carrier, guessing there isnt much further to go?
well ive added mrks config file and i see no difference. obviously it iosnt working properly. i copied the config, saved as autoexec.cfg in the crysis root folder, so that should work right? do i need to change any of the gfx settings in game or should i just leave them all on high? also do i need the edited cvargroups files that were used in the original tweaks?

Two days of managing to kill the aliens quite successfully and now I'm completely stumped by what is probably nothing more than common sense :o

How on earth do you shut down the reactor on 118 Reckoning? I'm running around like a mad man and can't find any way of getting to the reactor. There's a set of blocked stairs, and a blocked doorway, neither of which want to clear, no matter how much 'persuasion' I apply.

Two days of managing to kill the aliens quite successfully and now I'm completely stumped by what is probably nothing more than common sense :o

How on earth do you shut down the reactor on 118 Reckoning? I'm running around like a mad man and can't find any way of getting to the reactor. There's a set of blocked stairs, and a blocked doorway, neither of which want to clear, no matter how much 'persuasion' I apply.

You need to punch the doors with the green lights open.

Well I got through it, finished the game, seems like it ends on a cliffhanger, maybe Crysis 2? I'm abit annoyed tbh it was a really short game.

So what now?

Any mods or anything? I dont know what to do now, graphics are so good but I dont want to play through the story again because from the alien part it did go down hill :\.

Two days of managing to kill the aliens quite successfully and now I'm completely stumped by what is probably nothing more than common sense :o

How on earth do you shut down the reactor on 118 Reckoning? I'm running around like a mad man and can't find any way of getting to the reactor. There's a set of blocked stairs, and a blocked doorway, neither of which want to clear, no matter how much 'persuasion' I apply.

It's fairly linear generally, only doors that can open are the ones that look knackered, you have to push the rods that won't budge by themselves into the reactor.
Yip all green-lighted doors are open, and the only knackered red-light door left is bent at the top right but won't budge.

I've got as far as the locked side of the reactor (the bit where the guy tells you that the door is jammed and you'll have to find another way into the reactor).

It's quite a small area and I've been around it numerous times now without any luck.
Not for a long time, Farcry2 aint due for abit yet.

What a shame, so nice graphics, so bad gameplay at the end :(, time to play through COD4.

Two days of managing to kill the aliens quite successfully and now I'm completely stumped by what is probably nothing more than common sense :o

How on earth do you shut down the reactor on 118 Reckoning? I'm running around like a mad man and can't find any way of getting to the reactor. There's a set of blocked stairs, and a blocked doorway, neither of which want to clear, no matter how much 'persuasion' I apply.

Maybe a Ladder !
So am I the only one that thought the gameplay was crappy and just went through the floor from walking into that ship onwards?
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