I make them with photoshop, use google images to search for the materials, sites like dafont.com for fonts. I find it theraputic![]()
Would you recommend photoshop ? can you set a limit with your image size ? ect ect.. and how easy is photoshop to get to grips with ?
Can anyone do anything with this image in terms of using the halo as the O with Von Smallhausen in text above it ?
Anyone think of something to do with Hull KR logo please. I like clean sigs and clean fonts..
Just my name on it too please.
Hey guys, could really do with a sig since I've not had one for ages! old one was![]()
Which I always thought quite funny but looked a little bland with no colour! So if you could make that look better, ideally with maybe an Aer Lingus paint scheme! Or maybe just something based around an Airbus A320 or A321, again in Aer Lingus paint scheme? Thanks in advance guys!
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 (PC)
Would I be right in thinking this is what I'd want to buy ?
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 (PC)
Would I be right in thinking this is what I'd want to buy ?
Hi there - just looking to update my siggy but stay with the same theme, would anyone be able to remove the "Fridays 8/ Central on Fox" and replace it with my user name from the following pic please:
Here you go, I had to make it slightly smaller so that it would adhere to the forum rules, hope you don't mind:
See you've converted over from the NG then - how you finding it in the 'bus?
Yea I left Ryanair in July and so bid fairwell to the 737! Now fly the 320/321 for Aer Lingus. Bus is great to fly, clever piece of kit! Much more comfortable too!
Another idea for my sig is to maybe have a flightdeck of an A320 as well? Whatever you guys think will look good!
Plus they don't tend to think they're on the ground at 1500' AGL and then stall themselves eh
I was gonna ask your opinion of the AMS fiasco as a current NG driver but then
I noticed you'd converted and given the media's propensity towards using opinion voiced on certain forums as subsequent reported facts, you may not have wished to give your thoughts anyway.
Reckon a flight deck for a signature would an idea, think there's a couple of similar sigs knocking about that look pretty good.