The one and only signature creation thread

Think you may be a tad over the limit there, I like it though.:)

Cheers, I'm glad that you like it :) It was actually under 20kb (as in 1024*20) but the sigrotor site didn't like it. So I remade it and it came in under :D

I made 4 others and put them on a rotor with it :)





BUMP: Anyone help here?

Could someone design me something please using the below image or similar?


I would actually like the colour changed from red & white, to yellow (sun part) & blue. And the current text deleted and replaced with my username somewhere in a similar style.

Hope this isn't too much to ask!
Well I fancy a change for my sig but would like to keep the Thundercats theme?

And the Thundercat logo.

No need for the PC spec to be included anyone fancy giving it ago please?
Keyser / Skippi -superb, many thanks fellahs, liking both of those. Any chance you could do me the same with Bartop and include the text MG TF 160 80th Anniversary Edition for other forums please. :)
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Could someone make me one? With my name and something relating to card magic, or related to code.

Anything really that looks pretty! :)

(I would quite like a slimline sig if possible? Not a thick wide one! :P)
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