The one and only signature creation thread

ooh yeah I really like that one, thanks :)

Pleasure. :)

guys, Ive been playing around on photoshop, but all the sigs I create are too big file size. what is there I can do to bring the size down?

Instead of using 'Save as' use 'Save for Web and Devices'.
From there a new dialogue window will open where you can alter the quality and see the file size like this:

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this sig creating thing's a lark :D never thought i'd enjoy it so much lol. got a long way to go before I'm anything like yourself or pieplough...

It is quite fun making sigs. Liking your greenday ones man :)

Don't knock yourself mate, the ones you've done are great.
Now pieplough on the other hand, I agree he's the dogs dangly bits!


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