The one and only signature creation thread

If somebody could alter the GTX260 in my current sig to a GTX480 I'd be eternally in your debt.

And if you could make the text a bit more bold, well, what can I say? ;) :D

Cheers. :)

Would you have the original image? as I can't find it on-line and had to create this composite.


Source image for the above truck is below:


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did this earlier but forgot to post ^^ sorry


just noticed the 480 looks a little bigger though
There's not much you can do with a 400x75 signature stage other than having fancy effects.

My attempt at something less rectangular.
I tried that with the above (my version) image and the drop shadow was an utter disaster unless I upped the png from 8bits to 24 bits, but this results in an over 40k image.

3l08A.png 8

kKVdh.png 24


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