The one and only signature creation thread


Give me an idea on font and ill change it

reckon you can do it with the same style font, like straight with a kinda grunge texture?

that would be cool
At the risk of backlash!! can some one just very simply and quickly explain how to do my own sig I don't have Photoshop but I do have a picture I would like to use?
thanks in advance :D
I would love a new sig and am happy to donate a few quid via paypal for a decent one once I am happy and using it.

I would like the 007 writing the same as attached pic but with 000 instead of 007. Black on a red background with the 000 on the right and my system specs on the left. It would be nice if the shade of red changed slightly darker left to right.

Would like a new signature to rotate with this current one using this picture if possible please.


With a similar badge+name as my current signature if possible <3

Much appreciated.
Hello again.. My latest siggy just died :(

I need a new one now if anyone would be so kind to cook me one up :)

I would like one with "Tibbz" in it - In an electro green/blue colour style with sort of spark bolts and shizz like you see electricity bolting on generators :p

Weird, and terribly explained but could anyone help?

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