The one and only signature creation thread

Hmm...I'm going to be cheeky and ask for one.

Wannabedamned - Its always been vampire related incase you hadn't guessed. I would like something Gothic, Noire with as static effect? Maybe a gothicwoman\vamp on the pic?

Food for thought only. Play :D Thanking you if you can be bothered :p

would you be able to put the fireisdangerous logo onto this picture at is original res, would make a awsome wallpaper if you could :

thanks tony

Tony ?

it's here.....

Hmm...I'm going to be cheeky and ask for one.

Wannabedamned - Its always been vampire related incase you hadn't guessed. I would like something Gothic, Noire with as static effect? Maybe a gothicwoman\vamp on the pic?

Food for thought only. Play :D Thanking you if you can be bothered :p

Hmm...I'm going to be cheeky and ask for one.

Wannabedamned - Its always been vampire related incase you hadn't guessed. I would like something Gothic, Noire with as static effect? Maybe a gothicwoman\vamp on the pic?

Food for thought only. Play :D Thanking you if you can be bothered :p




Not sure if this it totally off topic but...

Does anyone fancy designing me a home brew beer label? There's a bottle in the post for your efforts :) (you'll need to prove you 18+)

I've seen a tutorial but I'm afraid it was beyond me, i could ony work out the 1st few steps. :(

It needs to be square and look good at about 100mm x 100mm. I want to be able to change the centre picture, text and the colour so the basic theme stays the same but the label can change for other kinds of beer as i try them.

This was the tutorial i saw.

Something like that would rock :D

so... Any takers? ;) Anyone brave enough to try my beer?
Hi all.

This sig:


Was kindly made for me on here a good while back. Want to us it again but hardware has changed. Needs to say:

Intel 990X @ 5GHz
2 X WC GTX 480 SLi

RAM and board are the same. (Rampage II Extreme and Corsair Dominator GT 2000MHz C7

Any photoshop ninjas that can help me out becasue I am BEYOND a photoshop noob :D


Can anyone have a go at this for me? :)
i use Adobe Illustrator but that costs £££'s inkscape is free i dont know if it's any good though

EDIT: oh you have illustrator.... well it should let you edit the text on the path in illustrator? open the ai file
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