The one and only signature creation thread


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I would like something simple with AE86 <---- doesn't have to be based on this picture, it also doesn't have to be animated something like THIS will do as well as long as its AE86 Trueno if the picture is from the front the back can be from Levin e.g. AE86 Levin :D It would be nice if the car was in motion drifting.

Font but I'm open to other proposition :)

If possible could you do two? One with just my forum nickname: IC3
and another one with my forum nickname and this quote
“When your Daemon is in charge, do not try to think consciously. Drift, wait, and obey.”
―Rudyard Kipling[IMG]


Thanks :D


I had a go at doing one myself, not sure how to do the outline/frame like you did it. I would have to look at some tutorials, as my PS knowledge isn't that great :p

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