The one and only signature creation thread

I've made the filesize smaller on this one if that helps i'd use a different host though if it adds filesize really

I was wondering if one of you guys could create a new sig for me themed on my Car please? I have linked a couple of pictures below however I'm not sure if I should include my reg? If they are not suitable then anything Honda Civic related with my forum name would be good as well. Thanks in advance as my Photoshap skills are non existent :D
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That looks excellent ImMrChris thanks! :) Would it matter my reg is showing? Some people on here seem to blur out the plate but I can't really see what the issue is personally.
I've made the filesize smaller on this one if that helps i'd use a different host though if it adds filesize really


Thanks for the smaller file size - I think my problem was how i saved it to the hosting site - I'm using the smaller one now anyway as it looks just as sweet.

UPDATE: I changed hosting site and it's working properly now - photobucket is adding data to the image and putting it over size

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I am going to lose the next few months in this game:

Elder Scrolls Online
- Cool Image
- Ebonheart Pact (Fraction)
- Khajiit (the race)

Anyone got a nice setup for a sig using the above to replace my current?
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