The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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radio article suggested PRC could now retaliate against tesla for any anti-government material it's populus maybe illegally watching, contributing to - all's fair ...

I hadn't appreciated that Diane Abbot is actually an abuser on twitter, do all MP's do this ( had been looking for excerpts of the piers/trump interview )
( )

Glen Owen does have an unusually dimpled chin, to be fair. Maybe Abbott's son bit him there?

I am grateful for small mercy's and Diane herself hasn't taken to "doing a Rayner" in the Commons ;)
Isn't there a trump thread?

Edit: at least 6 accounts I used to follow have now been unbanned. Seems the ole twitter staff are starting to panic.
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you don't seem to care about an informed an electorate and explicitly stated you want disinformation, even if that is foreign, to be allowed on social media to impact democratic processes.
Misnformation and propoganda is a thing but censorship isn't necessarily the right answer. Particulalry when seems it is less based on the law and seemingly more based on the social consciense of the Tech Giants.

The Great Barrington debate was a legitimate challenge to Covid policy and was largely suppressed at first. If you think vaccinating under 12's is unnecessary that is a supportable argument. Bith might be unfairly described as Covid denier or anti vax. But rather than ban posts related to these subjects you could attach a link or post to the current authorative position in the viewers location.

Likewise propoganda rather than ban idiots spouting propoganda you could attach a link to a more accepted source on the same topic. If the algorithm can ban and censor one assumes it could do what I propose.

The Freedom of speech is preserved but immediate rebuttal also provided.

As an idea it needs some thinking about but it seems at first glance like an approach that might be doable.
Musk might be a bit of a tosspot....but it's hilarious the same "don't like it build your own platform" people are now crying and throwing the toys out of their pram.

It's rampant hypocrisy going all the way to the president. Even amnesty international showing their colours. Free speech is only good when it suits.
I don't suppose this means that my Twitter 'Whats Happening' feed will no longer be filled with the usual #Brexithasfailed, #Toryscum, #Borisout..etc,etc blah, blah, blah from the usual slobbering lefty crowd, all day, every day, will it?
That isn't how it works. In that basis, Clinton didn't lie under oaf because the senate aquited. The senate vote doesn't overturn the house impeachment and isn't there to define guilt but repurcusions.

Truml incited violience and was Impeached, Clinton lied under oath about sexual relationships and was impeached, and in both cases the senate didn't secure votes for indictment due to political reasons.

The senate vote was never about establishing guilt.

Some really faulty logic there, no it doesn’t mean Clinton didn’t lie under oath I don’t know how you’ve drawn that conclusion.

You claimed he was found guilty, that is false, he was acquitted in the Senate, you got the basic facts wrong that all.

If you think otherwise then be clearer - found guilty of what? When? What trial are you referring to and based on what source?

So far you’ve provided nothing to back up your claim and that’s because it’s false.
Musk might be a bit of a tosspot....but it's hilarious the same "don't like it build your own platform" people are now crying and throwing the toys out of their pram.

It's rampant hypocrisy going all the way to the president. Even amnesty international showing their colours. Free speech is only good when it suits.

Interesting how the White House are now rethinking their stance on Section 230 now that their friends aren’t in control of Twitter.
Man, people are still entirely confused about what free speech actually means.

What twitter (ostensibly a big Internet forum) allows or disallows you to do on their servers has nothing to do with free speech.

We are all posting on a forum with a whole host of rules we have to follow due to business interests. Twitter is exactly the same.

Can you show us on the doll where we said Brexit would be a net economic gain? No one did, no one voted for it expecting no impact to the economy, that wasn't anyone's argument. Specifically I said there would be short and medium term impacts that can be mitigated in the long term. We also don't know how the EU will fair long term.

Man, people are still entirely confused about what free speech actually means.

What twitter (ostensibly a big Internet forum) allows or disallows you to do on their servers has nothing to do with free speech.

We are all posting on a forum with a whole host of rules we have to follow due to business interests. Twitter is exactly the same.

Free speech doesn't just apply in the context of government, it does also mean literally being allowed to speak freely in a place. You're specifically referring to the American constitution's version of free speech. It's not an exclusive term.

People feel Twitter needs to have more freedom of speech because it is an important place for discussion, it isn't the OcUK forums or a subreddit, it's the main place for public discussion for basically the English speaking world.
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I doubt Musk has made any changes yet, the staff are just panicking. Loads of accounts unbanned, many accounts suddenly able to verify or change to professional, that weren't able to too before for unknown reasons.

I do hope Musk is able to reveal a lot of what they've been doing, could be very interesting.

Kind of funny watching some conservatives gaining £50k+ followers in a day and left wing posters suddenly losing 10-20k. Seems that more people to coming back than leaving. :)

Hope Trump is invited back, just because I know the haters will lose their minds
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This whole thing is a massive stock play by Musk. Anyone who can't see that as the end goal is missing the bigger picture. Musk is very very clever

The man doesn't even own a house and spends his money on trying to send a rocket to Mars, what do you think his nefarious end goals are exactly? More money than already being far richer than Jeff Bezos? lol
I will say that I'm not 100% OK with no censorship at all, i.e. free speech absolutism.

But, the censorship should only really be things like not allowing personal attacks towards each other.. I like OCUK for this, you can pretty much discuss anything you want within reason and the line is only when it gets personal..

Twitter however is the worst of all worlds.. people act like a-holes to each other all the time, some pretty dire personal attacks are made and its only seemingly if you direct them at a randomly protected person will you be banned..

They censor things like mask wearing for COVID, or the Hunter Biden laptop etc.. things that are better discussed openly with facts and other evidence thrown around to help people put it in to context.
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