The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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If he never incited the attack on the Capitol then why did the Republican leadership in Congress say he was responsible and that they'd support him resigning and/or being impeached? McCarthy tapes leaked last week prove exactly that. The fact they lost their bottle later down the line is irrelevant. The Capitol insurrection was all on Trump and his lackies who were working on his orders.
Exactly, and he was blocked the day that happened. The argument people are incorrectly making, is that because the senate didn't do any punishments to trump at a later date, twitter should never have banned trump at an earlier date.

They incorrectly say that the senate voted not guilty, and incorrectly say that the view is that trump didn't incite the violence. That part is not up for debate just because the impeachment didn't result in a punishment for a guy that was on his way out.

Imagine you have cancer with 50 days to live, you are robbing a bank, getting caught and so fired from your job, and while awaiting punishment, the judge decides that as you're about to die, there's no point to charge you.

Then you have plonkers on a forum using your example as to why people shouldn't lose their jobs for robbing banks, because the judge didn't see any value in a punishment.

Congrats on saying a symbol used by billions without issue is actually a hate symbol because a few thousand idiots use it differently. I know we have vastly different world views but wow this seems ridiculously overkill even for you.

Technically the swastika was and is the same but we've all seen how a few brain dead fascists have made that symbol problematic.
Musk has just said that the town square should be less one sided, the left should hurt as much as the right. As long as he gets it fairly even that is not a bad intention.
That is assuming that the right is in fact hurt more than the left in the current town square. The trouble is if you let one man’s perception decide the balance it will inevitably be skewed to his opinion/agenda.
Exactly, and he was blocked the day that happened. The argument people are incorrectly making, is that because the senate didn't do any punishments to trump at a later date, twitter should never have banned trump at an earlier date.

They incorrectly say that the senate voted not guilty, and incorrectly say that the view is that trump didn't incite the violence. That part is not up for debate just because the impeachment didn't result in a punishment for a guy that was on his way out.

Imagine you have cancer with 50 days to live, you are robbing a bank, getting caught and so fired from your job, and while awaiting punishment, the judge decides that as you're about to die, there's no point to charge you.

Then you have plonkers on a forum using your example as to why people shouldn't lose their jobs for robbing banks, because the judge didn't see any value in a punishment.

The Senate knew he was guilty, McConnel said he was guilty but there was no way he or the majority of the Republicans were going to vote he was guilty. It was a political vote and they feared the backlash from the MAGA loons. The tapes leaked last week show exactly what they were all thinking immediately after the event and it was that it was all on Trump.

Trump lost his Twitter account because his actions over several weeks culminated in an insurrection at the Capitol Building where several people died. He was and still is a danger to democracy. I've no idea if Musk will give him his account back, it could be months before Musk is in charge of Twitter. Part of me wants Trump to get his account back as Trump is his own worst enemy and in 2020 his actions got 81m people to vote for a man who should be at home with his slippers on. If Trump wins the nomination again I fully expect another huge turnout for whoever is running against him.

As for Musk, he isn't the answer for Twitter. He's emotionally unstable and I wouldn't trust him to put free speech before his own business interests. I love what he's done with SpaceX and Tesla is great, though I'll never own one. No one man should own a social media company, Zuckerberg only owns 12.8% of Facebook and that is too much IMO. Social media must realise what incredible power it has now and how it is being used by bad actors to undermine democracy and belief in what makes our society work. When enough people no longer buy into it you've got a major problem. The US is teetering on the precipice, we won't be far behind them if we aren't careful.
Can you show us on the doll where we said Brexit would be a net economic gain? No one did, no one voted for it expecting no impact to the economy, that wasn't anyone's argument. Specifically I said there would be short and medium term impacts that can be mitigated in the long term. We also don't know how the EU will fair long term.

Free speech doesn't just apply in the context of government, it does also mean literally being allowed to speak freely in a place. You're specifically referring to the American constitution's version of free speech. It's not an exclusive term.

People feel Twitter needs to have more freedom of speech because it is an important place for discussion, it isn't the OcUK forums or a subreddit, it's the main place for public discussion for basically the English speaking world.

No, you are wrong. You are advocating for the government to determine what an individual or business allows to be posted on their servers, beyond what is already legal/illegal.

We can't swear, offer medical advice, post a picture of boobs, insult each other etc on here, because OCUK has business interests to protect. That is the exact same reason Twitter can block you from posting certain things, even if they are not necessarily illegal.

What you seem to want is an Internet forum paid for and run for the population with no alternative business interest, on which you can say or post anything as long as it is not illegal.

I'll say it again. You are confused (a long with so many on this subject, including Elon).
Wasn't the OK sign a 4chan troll that the left fell for and abused?

Yes, 4chan created it, the "right" then adopted it for jokes and use it to bait the deranged libs into thinking they're being unironic, libs fall for it so they keep doing it and the blue haired maniacs "journalists" report it as a real thing

Hilarious really
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You know something can be co-opted as this hand sign has been right?

When the alt right use it they aren't saying "ok" and if you believe they are you require help.

Yet you're the one giving the "alt right" power when you instantly give in and allow an absolutely tiny amount of idiots to "co-opt" something used by billions as a positive ("I'm OK", "are you OK" etc) and make it a negative. Just imagine the difference if instead of pearl clutching, everyone had laughed at the idiots throwing OK/WP signs and just outright mocked them instead, laughing in their faces, but for a reason I can't fathom, rather than blunt their pretty feeble attempts to feel powerful with outright ridicule, you've just emboldened these idiots instead.

Honestly, how you expect to beat these morons when you just keep caving in and giving them the power they crave is just beyond me. Grow a spine, fight for what you believe in, stop caving in and take the OK sign back to what it should mean. I mean only you guys, the ones who let these idiots take it, can get it back unless, you're happy to lose a symbol to hatred.
Yes, 4chan created it, the "right" then adopted it for jokes and use it to bait the deranged libs into thinking they're being unironic, libs fall for it so they keep doing it and the blue haired maniacs "journalists" report it as a real thing

Hilarious really

Absolutely hilarious. I can't stop laughing at a mass murderer using it to own the libs :rolleyes:

If you're actually going to be that daft, lets start a new one then shall we. From this point in time, everytime someone takes the knee, that actually means you condone Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd
Yes, 4chan created it, the "right" then adopted it for jokes and use it to bait the deranged libs into thinking they're being unironic, libs fall for it so they keep doing it and the blue haired maniacs "journalists" report it as a real thing

Hilarious really

Maybe a marginal percentage but there's certainly plenty of evidence to show the far-right have attempted to adopt it. But @ianh is right in that the media et all shouldn't cave to it, eventually they will get bored.

@Colonel_Klinck - The right will say he's just doing the ol' "circle game"....
Looks like they've arrested Super Mario tbh.

The only one's that come over overly emotional and petty about things are on the left hand side of the street tbh...the rest of us can laugh and joke about the state of the planet
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