was a fallacious appeal to authority.
In order to convince someone of your position, you told them to watch two particular videos. Why else would you post them if the objective was not to lend weight to your argument?
I criticised your choice of source on the basis that the individual was not qualified in the area, and was therefore not an authority on the subject; and furthermore I highlighted his track record of promulgating medical misinformation.
I understand that you're arguing that you only used those two specific videos as a means of getting information across in a digestible format, but that only makes the point more potent. This almost certainly isn't a topic that can actually be dumbed down to simple, 20 minute long, digestible YouTube videos with any sense of reliability. Any creator who does so will be injecting their own biases into their presentation of the facts, and in the case of summarising research papers, will be prone to misrepresenting that research due to a lack of specialised understanding.
But it
is totally relevant:
- Any conclusions that he comes to have a fairly high likelihood of being erroneous due to his lack of expertise.
- Any summarisation of research that he does, will also have a fairly high likelihood of being incomplete and/or incorrectly misinterpreted, again because of his lack of expertise.
- Anything he says at all, has to be treated as somewhat suspect until proven otherwise, given his track record of misinformation.
- He is now a professional YouTuber who has amassed a large following, which now gives him a vested financial interest in maximising engagement over accuracy and playing to that audience's biases.
He's simply not a reliable source, and therefore any conclusions he comes to or any explanations he gives, cannot be treated as reliable unless they happen to be well substantiated by
other sources. In which case, using the
other more reliable sources in the first place, would better support your position.
Dismissing non-qualified sources who have a history of misinformation, is absolutely
not being closed minded.
You and I, and probably most of his 2+ million followers, are not remotely qualified enough to know whether or not his conclusions on anything relating to this topic are reasonable; we simply do not have the required understanding or experience to be able to effectively gauge that. As such, for layman like you and I, dismissing sources of that sort and sticking purely to reputable ones is the most reliable pathway to the truth that we have available to us.
Honestly, although I think the Covid stuff has gone on long enough in this thread, it does at least speak to epistemology, which is absolutely relevant to the discussion around Elon and how we disseminate information; but I don't think that us dragging this into our own little GordyDemonHole would benefit either of us. I don't expect much agreement from you on the back of this post but I think that I've been about as clear as I possibly can be now, so I don't really have anything further to add.
For me, back to Elon...