Forcing people to pay $8 a month if they want to vote on outcomes of polls that Elon puts up and that are only seen by people who follow him and are on the platform in that 24 hours is just daft. 99% of Twitter users won't pay and the majority don't follow him either. Though without them Twitter is finished. Hopefully with him stepping back this silliness will end.
If you really want the opinion of Twitter users push the poll to every user and at the top of their feed.
It's not forcing people to pay $8. It's giving people who value the platform more than others the vote to decide its future. If this was Netflix and there was a free service with ads. And those users wanted it turned into a porn platform, and the paid users wanted to keep it a film/tv series platform? You don't think the people paying should be able to decide its future?
Twitter is just a communication platform, it has 250m/300m people on it, it isn't some global communications network, 90% of the world don't use it.
Edit. I will say, i don't pay for Twitter, but i do care about its future as i use it a lot. I can understand the ideas around paying members deciding it future, thats correct. But i also feel left out with having no say. Generally speaking i do have faith in the paying users to keep the platform going in the right direction.
But they might not keep it as well, Twitter might find it doesnt work for them. I like the ideas though, it fits in with whats happening with certain DAO's, there is some really interesting philosophical ideas around that subject, where active participants and owners are pulling in the same direction.
The West has a chronic issue with companies putting quarterly reports before the health of the company and its users. And DAO's are like a spearhead piercing right though that issue.
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