You're basically just taking the worst possible view of someone with no evidence for no obvious reason except that you personally dislike him
Or because he's paid attention to reality?
Did or did not Musk place an offer to buy twitter for way above market value?
Did or did not Musk try to back out of the deal after he'd signed a water tight contract and only go on with it when the court was about to rule that he had to?
Has Musk got, or not got history of making stupid jokes about stock that have 420 in them somewhere? (IIRC that's the reason he's meant to be getting a lawyer to vet every comment he makes on twitter re Tesla).
If you care to go back to when he first made the offer you'll probably see a bunch of us saying he probably didn't intend to go on with it, and then that lawyers who actually understand the sort of contract and buy out he was going with were surprised that he didn't bother with the most basic of "due diligence", and the sort of contract he signed.
Basically either Musk though it was all a laugh and to get some attention, or he's really one of the most stupid billionaires ever, given he showed no inclination of understanding what he was doing, or what he was buying, let along the legal issues that come with buying.
I mean it's a coin toss as to which, but he's certainly given zero indication he went into the purchase having given any thought to it and most of his actions since have just reinforced that, and he keeps making really obvious mistakes and having to backtrack/reverse changes that tell anyone who cares to pay attention that he really doesn't understand what he's doing*.
Most people, especially successful millionaires/billionaires tend to be a heck of a lot more careful with their money when offering to buy a company, if for no other reason than that's usually how the got to become a billionaire, and how they maintain it.
He's basically acting like a lottery winner whose just gone out to buy his dream car, and having never driven anything more powerful than a Corsa tries to hoon a Ferrari around a country lane (with the predictable meeting with a hedge, or tree).
On the flip side, I guess it was really nice of Musk to give all those Twitter shareholders a bigger payout than they probably ever expected to get.
*The whole "lets sell the marker that shows someone has been checked, for just $8" thing, which everyone was predicting would cause chaos, yet we were told "no he knows what he's doing", and it took under a day for that chaos to happen, to the surprise of almost anyone but Musk and his fans.