Oh how i wish it was mine
Would you mind sharing that wall
Oh how i wish it was mine
Aqua blend > Blend.
You're right about that
Where can you get these icons ?
EDIT: Are the Photoshop, Dreamweaver ones the standard ones ?
WotDa said:Edit: Justin;
Nice, you've converted me to aqua blend lol.
Yep *throws up*
But at least we can change them
I'll stick with them for a week, if they don't grow on me they're going!
You got a link to that wallpaper?
Here's mine atm
The desktop background is from UT3
I got it running via crossover in windowed mode, but for some reason only some of the sound is workingWow!
Looks like I might need to buy that.. *Goes to find minimum specs needed*
Edit: Guild Wars in the dock? Tell me more!