First post claimed? , what does that mean?
I dont have leopard so cant install it. Unless somebody wants to help me out? wink wink
carefull what you ask for it may come and bite your bum
First post claimed? , what does that mean?
I dont have leopard so cant install it. Unless somebody wants to help me out? wink wink
Cool DesktopHere's mine. First mac i had and love it.
WOW, link to the wallpaper please!
WOW, link to the wallpaper please!
WOW, link to the wallpaper please!
i 2nd this
btw, whats a good program to change the theme/icons etc
i 2nd this
btw, whats a good program to change the theme/icons etc
btw, whats a good program to change the theme/icons etc
Just changed again
My first Desktop post in the Mac section. This is on my new Macbook in Leopard.