*** The OS X Post Your Desktop Thread ***

I use spotlight most of the time, the dock is usually hiding and doesn't generally get used much.
I heart spotlight! :)

Aye, I use Spotlight loads in Leopard now, basically halved my dock size, so I just kept the most used stuff on there. :)

Where did you get your dekstop image from? Can you send me a link
Help! I've messed up my mail icon by trying to replace it with the Icon Composer. Can someone send me the original app.icns from with the mail.app package contents please?

Many Thanks.
That wallpaper is awesome, "Owned!" seem to shout out to me :p

I can't believe people didn't do this in Tiger too!

Even now with leopard, I still don't use spotlight unless I'm trying to find specific named document or file / folder.

I'm still using QuickSilver solely because it's, IMHO, much faster and quicker than Spotlight. One very easy example, if I want to quickly seek and open e.g. Imagewell to convert photos on finder, a quick shortcut will open quicksilver prompt and I type img and enter, viola, it opens imagewell.

Doing that on spotlight will cause a second or 2 worth of search and list me every file and folder with img in it and not even list it in Applications for some reason. This cast doubts on that for me to rely on so for me, QS > Spotlight when launching applications.

Anyway here's my Desktop for the New Year...

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