*** The OS X Post Your Desktop Thread ***

Do you mean, get info then copy and paste?

Only I tried that and all that and all that showed was a file image and not the icon.

(Cue noob justification)
Only had a mac about 3 months.:p

You need to change it in several places, firstly under the root of Office 2008 and then under Show Package Contents of Entourage and change the icns file. You then need to re add it to the dock and maybe do a restart
Any chance of an idiots guide walkthrough please Tom?

LOL I thought that's what I'd already given you :p

1- Start by opening up the downloaded icon and do an edit > copy
2- Go into the Applications folder and then the root of Office 2008
3- Do a right click (CMD + single tap or double finger tap) and select Show Package Contents on Entourage
4- Go Contents > Resources and find the Entourage.icns file
5 - Right Click > Get Info and then paste the icon (make sure that the preview icon in the top left hand corner is selected when you do this)
6- Go back to the root of Office 2008 and repeat step 5 on Entourage and then add to dock it to the dock

Hope that helps you out
Did it through a post on here somewhere. Feek i think.

Open a terminal and type

defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES

Then reload the dock

killall Dock

That'll give you a 2D dock.
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