*** The OS X Post Your Desktop Thread ***

Another change :D

Hi all,

New to these parts. I recently moved over from the dark side and got myself a 27" iMac..loving it so far. Any suggestions on a better mail client though? Only needs to work with my Hotmail account.


My iPad should be coming sometime next week so I'll have to get some nice walls on that too. :)

Hi all,

New to these parts. I recently moved over from the dark side and got myself a 27" iMac..loving it so far. Any suggestions on a better mail client though? Only needs to work with my Hotmail account.

Yeah Mail works absolutely fine with Hotmail/Windows Live acounts. I use an @live.co.uk address myself and it works prefectly with Mail for Mac. :)
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Just had a clean up of my dock, I'm much preferring in on the right hand side now, I like to have my windows with full length instead of full width so it works well for me.

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