The Police Application Thread

An update on my application for the special constabulary.

I received an email on Thursday night telling me to attend an assessment day on Saturday at 8:30am for the entire day. Yes, 1.5 days notice. I rang them up and was told this was the only day for now and that if I couldn't make it I would need to withdraw and apply again for the next day.

In the end I decided to withdraw my application, I can't attend a training day at the drop of a hat like that and if that is expected level of flexibility required, it is something I can't currently provide. There's a lot going on with my main job at the moment and I've decided my application was perhaps not best timed, irrespective of the short-notice for the assessment day.

It's disappointing that their organisational skills were so poor. It's just unreasonable to expect people to attend with that much notice.

One thing I did notice is on the portal they shared the vetting form - I was surprised it mentioned even having to declare anything about rail fare evasion. I've had two instances of this (although not deliberate): once after falling asleep following a night out and overshooting my stop about 5 years ago, the other after forgetting to renew my monthly ticket (last year) and so I was unintentionally using a ticket that had expired a day or two ago. Hopefully these things wouldn't taint my application to the extent of being precluded.

I'm not even sure if this counts as evasion/would have been logged? Or if they were referring to prosecutions for rail fare evasion (not sure if the above counts as an 'on the spot prosecution' or not if I am honest, both resulted in on the spot fines).

Anyway, I can cross that bridge when I next come to it (probably next year).

The golden rule with vetting is "disclose everything". Disclose everything, including the penalty fares and write details of the circumstances. They're looking for integrity and honesty. Putting your hands up and saying you made a mistake in the circumstances you mention are unlikely to go against you. Failing to raise it may do though.
I had my induction last night, I got there just after 2pm and left about 9:15pm. I have loads of paper to sift through; it's going to take me ages to digitalise all of this :(

So 9th Feb 2010 was my official joining date and it's been a full decade since then.

It's interesting to look back and see how much the job has changed and how much the job has changed me over that period - for better and worse. I'm more resilient, confident, calm under pressure but also more jaded, cynical and just generally suffering from "compassion fatigue". I've seen and done things you couldn't pay to do, again, some amazing situations and some that will stay with me for a long time yet. I think on balance it was a good decision though.
This required a different sort of application but the result was I got these today.
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