Thats a bit off putting if I'm being honest. I really hate roleplaying type interviews, and assessment days. Just something about them that makes me think I'd fail.
On their website i don't see no requirements other than an age requirement and to not have a criminal record. Surely there are some grade requirements?
Theres a requirement to have no criminal record? I guess it's obvious but still seems a bit unusual to me, not that I have one.
lol some lazy cops do like to overuse BOP and it does cover a wide range of stuff
4 zeros (domestics) are the bain of our lives at the moment, very little discretion allowed
Theres a requirement to have no criminal record? I guess it's obvious but still seems a bit unusual to me, not that I have one.
That's a national directive.
We go to a domestic and the wife says she has been assaulted but won't make a complaint doesn't make any difference. He gets arrested.
So many people die as a result of domestic violence. An assertive approach has to be used and even if she doen't want to make a complaint, several requirements of Section 24 PACE are usually met to justify the grounds for arrest, not to mention visible injury.
I'm not sure what that translates to north of the border as PACE isn't on the statute books there as far as I can remember unless there is a PACE Scotland Act ?
No PACE in Scotland - would usually be domestic BOP or assault, basically the common law crime with a domestic aggravation. One of the parties will be removed....
I agree that it is a big problem but a lot of time it is obvious that nothing has happened - and it is't always the guy that's guilty!
Fitness test for WMC is a joke as well haha. I did a 12 bleep test and 125 push/ 120 pull
is there an age limit for the police? i know theres a driving limit regarding bans etc.
Do you know when the next intake for the Met is??
I was trying to see how you ease probationers into the job without putting them in situations they aren't ready for. Or is it straight in at the deep end?