The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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With an ironig board as a tripod, and a severe lack of knowledge when it comes to Cameras and photos, I managed to take this. I quiet like it apart from the leaves at the front.


The little bright dot next to the bottom of the lightening was a cruise ship.
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Developed and scanned my first film..
Also all shot with my new olympus mju II. I like this camera a lot!

HP5+ with Rodinal 1+25 for 6mins.

Scanned with minolta DiMage Scan Dual III.

No judges for these two:
actually don't want to put photos of my friends and gf up..

Think it worked quite well.. comments on the developing etc?
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So had a bit of an accident at work yesterday, had to stay in hopital over night, for an operation.
short story is i dont think i'll be doing much photography for a few weeks, ive lost pretty much all movment in my thumb, which means i cant hold my camera. :) sad days.

one reason why some times i dont like my job.

WARNING FOR THE SCREAMISH!!!!!!!!........its not that bad


its pretty damn painfull, ive lost all my thumb nail and all of the skin up to the thumb nuckle (just above the dressing) also lost some bone from the joint. the stitches run the whole lengh of my thumb abd are actually holding skin over the wound which they cut and streched to fit as the original skin was lost.
got to do some physiotherapy to try and get movment back in my thumb as 60% of the tendons were cut.
although this is painfull the 15 minutes of injections in my arm pit to numb my arm were pretty awful as well, i cant decide which was worst.
it happened at 8am yesterday and ive been awake since then, but im home now and off to bed :)
i'll soon be back posting rubbish pics :)
^^ Ouch!!!

That looks an sounds painful. I know this probably isn't the best place to ask but, how did you manage to do that to yourself???

Hope it starts feeling better soon mate!
Famas, I had an almost identical injury a few years ago, with a similar L- shaped wound. Had to have my tendons stitched back together, but luckily it works fine now, and you can only just make out the scar:

It looks fine now, but still feels a bit stiff. Hopefully yours will heal up as well as mine did!
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