The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Water drop.


Nice pic, care to share how you managed it? Looks awesome :cool:
Just get better, would love to be able to produce something like that. Any tips?

Use adobe photoshop elements 7 its great for processing , get used to using the quick selection tool , adjustment layers ( levels ).

Best to google photoshop elements B&W tutorials :D
Nice pic, care to share how you managed it? Looks awesome :cool:

Sure :)

I used a Nikon D50 with a sigma 105mm macro lens. Settings were shutter speed 1/500 and aperture of 7.1. For lighting I used the onboard flash and also a studio light which was positioned to the right of the shot. I used a blue transparent container and filled it to the top with water. In the background I used white kitchen roll so to give the white backdrop. Then I positioned the camera on a tripod so that it was level with the top of the container and around half a foot away. Then I manually focused to the middle of the container and using a pipet dripped drops into the focus area. Then using a remote took the shots. Pretty much luck with your timing. Out of say 400-500 shots a few may be good.
So had a bit of an accident at work yesterday, had to stay in hopital over night, for an operation.
short story is i dont think i'll be doing much photography for a few weeks, ive lost pretty much all movment in my thumb, which means i cant hold my camera. :) sad days.

one reason why some times i dont like my job.

WARNING FOR THE SCREAMISH!!!!!!!!........its not that bad


its pretty damn painfull, ive lost all my thumb nail and all of the skin up to the thumb nuckle (just above the dressing) also lost some bone from the joint. the stitches run the whole lengh of my thumb abd are actually holding skin over the wound which they cut and streched to fit as the original skin was lost.
got to do some physiotherapy to try and get movment back in my thumb as 60% of the tendons were cut.
although this is painfull the 15 minutes of injections in my arm pit to numb my arm were pretty awful as well, i cant decide which was worst.
it happened at 8am yesterday and ive been awake since then, but im home now and off to bed :)
i'll soon be back posting rubbish pics :)

dude what the hell did you do ? hope it heals soon!

and nice shot greywolf!
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Cheers for all the kind words guys. im pretty confident my thumb will heal fine tho i was told it might be a bit disfigured. At the moment my only concern is getting the movment back as its my dominant hand, as long as i keep up the excercises it should be fine.

As some of you know im a cabinet maker, first job of the day was to plane a flat edge on some oak boards.
for this we use a machine called a planer thicknesser.
I ran the first bit of wood and all was fine untill the very end. As i pushed the wood past the cutter block my hand sliped from the timber and went in the direction of the cutters.

thankfully i had set the guards up well and my hand and fingers fell onto the guard and were saved, unfortunately my thumb hit the cutters.
If i hadn't set the guards up i probably would have lost my fingers, so i think i got away pretty lucky.
here is the forementioned machine.
Oh yeah I have used one a little bit smaller than that when I was building houses for my old job. It was a crucial machine to use as we built an entirely oak framed house.

The blade on the rotating part is such a crude cutter I can appreciate you are lucky with the injury you have. It really could have destroyed your hand that.
nope, didnt feel a thing when i did it and to be honest it didnt look that bad, tho there was a lot of blood covering it. i think the adrenaline takes over as it didnt start to hurt untill i got to the hospital, then they started injrcting my thumb that bloody hurt.

but when it happened i just looked down a said oooo better get a plaster. infact i took a picture of it on my phone which shocked a co worker a bit as he was trying to bandage it up :)
Cheers for all the kind words guys. im pretty confident my thumb will heal fine tho i was told it might be a bit disfigured. At the moment my only concern is getting the movment back as its my dominant hand, as long as i keep up the excercises it should be fine.

As some of you know im a cabinet maker, first job of the day was to plane a flat edge on some oak boards.
for this we use a machine called a planer thicknesser.
I ran the first bit of wood and all was fine untill the very end. As i pushed the wood past the cutter block my hand sliped from the timber and went in the direction of the cutters.

thankfully i had set the guards up well and my hand and fingers fell onto the guard and were saved, unfortunately my thumb hit the cutters.
If i hadn't set the guards up i probably would have lost my fingers, so i think i got away pretty lucky.
here is the forementioned machine.

Yer sounds as if you where lucky. Hope you get well soon. What affects in PS did you use with that image?
some pics of my daughter :)

Need to PS the snot in this one :D


Go Tiger :D


soft focus was needed because it was a crop, so the image quality was not great.


What you lookin' at?

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